Over the years, the government has worked closely with Alberta's diverse and vibrant Francophonie to support its vitality, and provide quality programs and services that meet its practical needs.
In June 2017, the Alberta government adopted a French Policy that guides its ministries in maintaining and developing new services in French. Through meaningful dialogue and collaboration with Francophonie stakeholders, the government will further enhance services in French – now and in the years to come.
The government is implementing the French Policy on an ongoing basis, as resources allow.
Culture grants
- Funding opportunities for projects in the areas of arts, culture, community, heritage, recreation, sport, and diversity and inclusion.
Historic sites, museums and libraries
- The following provincial historic sites and museums offer services, resources, school programming and/or special events in French:
- Alberta's publicly funded libraries offer French-language resources; the majority are accessible throughout the province through the inter-library loan program.
Francophonie in Alberta
- Francophone heritage in Alberta
- Francophone Secretariat
- Federal-provincial collaboration – Canadian Francophonie
Community organizations
- Regroupement artistique francophone de l'Alberta (RAFA) is recognized as one of the Provincial Arts Service Organizations by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.
- Société Historique Francophone de l'Alberta (SHFA) receives provincial funding to assist with operating and programming expenses, and for research projects.
- Other community organizations provide library resources in French to the community:
- Alliance française de Calgary
- Bibliothèque du Campus Saint-Jean (Edmonton)
- Bibliothèque de Saint-Isidore
- Centre de ressources de la langue française (Grande Prairie)
- Cité des prairies (Lethbridge)
- Institut Guy-Lacombe de la famille (Edmonton)
- La bibliothèque Detinger (Falher)
- Small business programs: supports are available to help Alberta entrepreneurs and small businesses start, grow and succeed.
- Alberta’s non-profit and voluntary sector: find information, resources and grants for organizations working in the non-profit/voluntary sector.
- Community Development Unit Workshops are offered in French as part of the Board Development Program (subject to volunteer instructor availability).
- Building Corporate Relationships – A Toolkit for Nonprofits (publication): assists nonprofit organizations in their efforts to build relationships with the corporate sector.
- Profiling the nonprofit and voluntary sector in Alberta (publication): provides a high-level summary of this sector, how it does its work, and the impact its work has on the cultural, economic, social and political fabric of the province.
- Conseil de développement économique de l'Alberta (CDÉA) receives provincial funding to develop bilingual tourism products and market Alberta to French-speaking visitors.
- Driver's knowledge test: the test is available in French at most Alberta Registry Agent offices.
- Driver's guide to operation, safety and licensing: cars and light trucks (publication)
French-language K to 12 education
The Government of Alberta recognizes that English and French are the official languages of Canada. Canadian citizens belonging to the Francophone minority in Alberta have the right to have their children educated in Francophone schools according to section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and section 14 of the Education Act.
As French is one of Canada's two official languages, learning French is considered important to enhance opportunities for living and working throughout Canada and the world, as well as to foster a greater understanding between French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians. Alberta Education encourages opportunities for all Alberta students to learn French by making available alternative French language programs such as French immersion and French as a second language courses.
- Ministry of Education
- Francophone education rights: information on the rights of parents to have their children educated in French.
- French language education in Alberta: general information on Francophone education, French immersion and French as a second language.
- Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP): learn how the Government of Canada, through OLEP, contributes funding to early childhood to Grade 12 French education in Alberta.
- Pan-Canadian official languages programs: these programs help young people improve their language skills in English and French.
- New French spelling: learn about changes to spelling affecting approximately 2,000 French words.
- Francisation: Francisation programming, offered by the regional Francophone authorities, consists of targeted educational supports for eligible children and students who are enrolled in a Francophone education program.
- Guide to Education: a single, convenient reference with key information and requirements to operate and deliver Early Childhood Services (ECS) to Grade 12 education in Alberta.
- LearnAlberta.ca: provides learning and teaching resources.
- Fédération des parents francophones de l'Alberta (FPFA): receives operational funding from the province to support francophone school councils and promote French-language educational programming.
Post-secondary education
- Information on post-secondary education in Alberta:
- Alberta's adult learning system
- How to pay for your post-secondary education
- Post-secondary credential types
- Types of publicly funded institutions
- Community Adult Learning Program
- Academic upgrading if you are 20 or older
- Academic upgrading if you are under 20
- Get post-secondary credit for prior learning or experience
- Going back to school as an adult
- Private career colleges
- Become an apprentice in Alberta
- There are several public post-secondary institutions in Alberta that offer French language programming:
- Ambrose University
- Athabasca University
- Burman University
- Concordia University of Edmonton
- Grande Prairie Regional College
- Keyano College
- Lakeland College
- Lethbridge College
- MacEwan University
- Medicine Hat College
- Mount Royal University
- NorQuest College
- Northern Lakes College
- Portage College
- Red Deer College
- St. Mary’s University
- University of Alberta
- University of Calgary
- University of Lethbridge
- Campus Saint-Jean at the University of Alberta is the largest provider of post-secondary programming fully delivered in French west of Manitoba. Campus Saint-Jean delivers credit programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas of Education, Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Fine Arts.
- Since 2014, Campus Saint-Jean has also created a number of college-level programs through the Centre collégial de l’Alberta (CCA). These programs aim to provide rapid and effective answers to the needs of the job market and of the Francophone community with diploma or certificate programs in Business Administration, Early Childhood Education, Educational Assistant, Health Care Aide, and Tourism Management.
Disaster Recovery
- Disaster Recovery Programs: a number of resources and fact sheets are available in French and provide applicants with important information relevant to their application process.
Fire safety awareness
- BBQ and fire pit safety: how to use a BBQ and fire pit safely.
- Carbon monoxide safety: information for staying safe from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Children and families
- Finding and choosing child care
- Provincial Family Resource Networks: the following centres provide services and supports for children up to 18 years old:
- Institut Guy-Lacombe de la famille (Edmonton)
- Centre d'appui familial (Calgary)
- Alberta childcare accreditation standards (publication): this booklet promotes excellence in childcare settings and helps families choose the best care for their children.
- Creating language-rich environments:
- Preschool Talk Box (publication): this resource gives parents suggestions to help create language-rich environments at home, in the park, at the mall, or anywhere.
- Talking is key (video): explains how children from 3 months to 5 years old learn language and gives tips for parent to encourage language learning.
- Triple P – Positive Parenting Program: program to help parents manage problem behaviour and developmental issues, encourage positive behaviour, cope with stress, develop a close relationship with their child and teach their child new skills.
Crisis supports – Abuse and bullying
- Abuse Helpline: Call 1-855-4HELPAB if you or someone you know is being abused or neglected. The provincial abuse helpline is operated by the Alberta Supports Contact Centre. Help is available in French.
- Bullying Helpline: if you are a victim of bullying or abuse, talk to trained staff in French. This anonymous service is available over the phone toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-456-2323.
- Family violence:
- Family Violence Info Line: if you are a victim of family violence, talk to trained staff in French. This anonymous service is available over the phone toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 310‑1818.
- Find supports: connect with helplines, financial assistance, shelter and other supports, and know the law and your rights.
- How to stay safe: know how to stay safe when leaving or continuing an abusive relationship.
- What is family violence: recognize family violence and know the warning signs.
- How to help: how family, friends, employers, health care providers and communities can help others experiencing family violence.
- Publications
Income support
- Alberta Supports: assistance is available in French over the phone to access programs and community services for seniors, employment, homelessness, financial needs, children and youth, parents and families, people with disabilities, guardianship and trusteeship, as well as abuse, bullying and family violence prevention.
- Affordable housing programs: housing options for families, seniors and individuals with special needs, and building construction standards for affordable housing.
- The Alberta government owns two bilingual subsidized seniors facilities that are managed by a Francophone community board and offer activities in both French and English:
- Manoir Saint-Joachim (Edmonton)
- Manoir Saint-Thomas (Edmonton)
- Alberta Seniors Benefit
- Dental and Optical Assistance for Seniors
- Elder abuse – Get help: Recognize signs of elder abuse and learn how to get help.
- Family Violence Info Line: if you are a victim of family violence, talk to trained staff in French. This anonymous service is available over the phone toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 310-1818.
- Facts on elder abuse (publication): information on what elder abuse is, who the victims are, who the abusers are, signs of elder abuse, and information and resources if you or someone you know is a victim of elder abuse.
- Face it: elder abuse happens (poster): information on the Family Violence Info Line, which offers advice and referrals to those experiencing elder abuse or who think elder abuse may be happening to someone they know.
- Saying farewell: a guide to assist you with preplanning and with the death and dying process (publication): can help you do some of the planning that may help your family and friends in the time after your death.
About government
- Emblems of Alberta
- How the Alberta government works
- Legislative Assembly of Alberta: the Legislative Assembly website provides teaching and online educational resources in French.
- Premier of Alberta
- Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women
Priorities and initiatives
Disease prevention and surveillance
- Immunization and routine immunization schedule: learn about the importance of immunization, the routine immunization schedule, where to get immunized, immunization records and statistics.
- West Nile virus and surveillance: learn about West Nile virus (WNV) in Alberta, ongoing surveillance to identify cases and determine the risk each year.
Health care services, facilities and providers
- Alberta Health Services (AHS) provides services for French-speaking patients and families. This includes 24/7 over the phone interpretation, document translation for patient care, as well as brochures and posters on various health topics.
- Saint-Thomas Community Health Centre (Covenant Care) in Edmonton provides primary care services in French, including long-term care and assisted-living services with operational funding from Alberta Health Services.
Health information
- Alberta Adult Health Benefit
- School Nutrition Program: students in participating schools will receive a daily nutritious meal that follows the Alberta nutrition guidelines for children and youth.
- Alberta nutrition guidelines for children and youth (publication): guidelines to equip facilities and organizations with the tools they need to provide healthy food choices in childcare settings, schools, recreation centres, at special events, and in the community at large.
- Healthy eating for children and youth in schools (publication): booklet for students, volunteers and others to support the use of the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines in schools and at home.
Employment supports
- Training and employment services provide unemployed people with the support they need to be successful in their job search and find new jobs. French-language services are available in various communities across Alberta including:
- Accès Emploi (Edmonton, St. Paul, Bonnyville, Cold Lake, Plamondon, Lac La Biche)
- Association canadienne française de l'Alberta (Grande Prairie)
- Canmore Job Resource Centre (Banff/Canmore region)
- Centre de carrière et d'emploi de Calgary – MCG (Calgary)
- Falher Library (Falher)
- Prospect Employment Services – PES (Calgary)
- WCG Calgary Career Hub (Calgary)
- The Employment Standards Contact Centre offers a translation service.
- The Occupational Health and Safety Contact Centre offers a translation service.
- The Alberta government regularly recruits bilingual candidates. Find out about current opportunities:
- Many publications and resources for finding work are available in French on alis – Careers, Learning, and Employment, including:
Employment standards
- Training and employment services provide unemployed people with the support they need to be successful in their job search and find new jobs. French-language services are available in various communities across Alberta including:
Your rights and the law
- In Alberta, criminal proceedings can be heard in French. An accused person can apply to have their trial heard in French and request a French interpreter.
- For provincial offence matters, bilingual or French-language hearings/trials are possible if directed by the Court (and with the consent of the prosecutor). Provision of French interpretation services is possible if the defendant or counsel wishes to use French in oral communications in a proceeding, and gives reasonable notice to the prosecutor and the court.
- For civil/family matters, requests can be made to have French-speaking judges and clerks assigned (for example, where all of the parties involved speak French). Accommodating these requests is based on availability.
Legal procedures and assistance
- The Language Line Interpreter Service for Clients is available in French.
- Alberta Law Libraries connect Albertans with reliable sources of legal information and offers approximately 1,300 titles in French.
- Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Alberta (AJEFA – French-speaking legal professionals association of Alberta) receives federal funding to promote access to justice in French in Alberta.
- Alberta Birth certificates are bilingual.
Divorce and separation
- Parenting after Separation (PAS) parent's guide is the companion to the Parenting After Separation course that is offered in French. It provides separated/divorced parents with information about the effect of divorce on children's development. It introduces topics such as relationship building blocks, helping children cope with separation and divorce, the legal system and parenting plans.
- French-speaking marriage commissioners offer their services. Connect with the Service Alberta Contact Centre to find one near you.
- If you are a marriage commissioner conducting civil services in French, you can order a French Civil Marriage Booklet by connecting with the Service Alberta Contact Centre.
About Alberta
Driving in Alberta
Finding employment
- International qualifications assessment (IQAS): information on getting foreign-earned credentials assessed for immigration or work and study, and IQAS resources for organizations.
- Several settlement agencies receive provincial and/or federal government funding to deliver French-language settlement services:
- Centre d'accueil francophone (Cité des Rocheuses) (Calgary)
- Francophonie albertaine plurielle (FRAP) (Edmonton, Fort McMurray)
- Portail de l'Immigrant (Calgary)
- Alberta Parks offers some publications in French, including:
For general enquiries, you can connect with the Francophone Secretariat:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-415-3348 (Edmonton and area)
Toll free: dial 310-0000 before the number
Email: francosec@gov.ab.ca
Follow us on Twitter for information in French on services, resources and events.