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Part of Bonjour Alberta

French services directory

Access these Alberta government services and resources in French.

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Over the years, the government has worked closely with Alberta's diverse and vibrant Francophonie to support its vitality, and provide quality programs and services that meet its practical needs.

In June 2017, the Alberta government adopted a French Policy that guides its ministries in maintaining and developing new services in French. Through meaningful dialogue and collaboration with Francophonie stakeholders, the government will further enhance services in French – now and in the years to come.

The government is implementing the French Policy on an ongoing basis, as resources allow.



For general enquiries, you can connect with the Francophone Secretariat:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-415-3348 (Edmonton and area)
Toll free: dial 310-0000 before the number

Follow us on Twitter for information in French on services, resources and events.