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Alberta Child Health Benefit

Low income families can apply to this program to get eyeglasses, prescription drugs, and dental care for their kids.


The Alberta Child Health Benefit covers health benefits for children in low-income households. This health plan is for children up to 18 years of age. Children who are 18 or 19 years old also qualify, if they are living at home and attending high school.

Adults may be eligible for health benefits through the Alberta Adult Health Benefit program.

This program provides coverage for:

  • dental care
  • prescription drugs
  • eye glasses
  • essential diabetes supplies
  • emergency ambulance services
  • essential over-the-counter medications

Coverage through other benefits plans

If you or other household members have coverage through another health benefits plan, you must use that plan first. The Alberta Child Health Benefit plan may cover your remaining costs. Talk to your dental provider, optical provider or pharmacist about how this works.

What is covered

Talk to your doctor, dental provider, optical provider or pharmacist to learn which items are paid for by this health benefit plan.

Eligible applicants

Families qualify based on income.

To be eligible for the Alberta Child Health Benefit, you and members of your family must:

Your total net household income must fall below these maximum income guidelines based on family size.

Table 1. Maximum income guidelines based on family size

FamilyMaximum income
1 adult + 1 child$26,023
1 adult + 2 children$31,010
1 adult + 3 children$36,325
1 adult + 4 children*$41,957
Couple + 1 child$31,237
Couple + 2 children$36,634
Couple + 3 children$41,594
Couple + 4 children*$46,932

*For each additional child, add $4,973

How to calculate your income

You can calculate your income by looking at your last income tax return.

  1. Look at Line 23600 to find out your basic income.
  2. Add any child support you receive, which is on Line 15600.
  3. Subtract the amount you were taxed, which is on Line 12800.

The amount left is your income. If you have trouble calculating your income, contact us.

How to apply

If you are leaving the Income Support or AISH program, speak to your case worker.

Step 1. Fill out the application form

Alberta Child Health Benefit application form AEHB2939

  • Sign and date the sections marked My Declaration and Consent for Canada Revenue Agency.

The declaration section is important. By signing it, you are saying that you understand everything in your application. The consent section is also important because you are giving the Alberta government permission to review your income tax information from Canada Revenue Agency in order to verify your income. Your information will not be shared anywhere else for any other reason.

Step 2. Email, mail or fax your application form

Contact us

After you apply

Reassess application denial

In certain circumstances, an income reassessment can be requested if your application was denied based on the income used to determine eligibility. In order for your income to be reassessed, you must have applied and received a rejection letter.

The current benefit year is October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025 and program eligibility is based on your 2023 income assessed by the Canada Revenue Agency. Before you can request an income reassessment, your application must have already been denied based on your 2023 income taxes.

Exception committee

The Health Benefits Exception Committee reviews requests for drugs, optical, dental, ambulance services or diabetes supplies that are not covered in the optical agreements, dental agreements or drug benefit lists. To submit a request for an exception, complete the Request for a Health Benefit Exception form AEHB3487 and follow the instructions contained in the form.

If your request is for drugs or nutritional products that are not covered on the drug benefit lists, your doctor must provide a detailed medical rationale using the Request for Prescription Drugs and Nutritional Products form AEHB3810.

If your request is for optical services that are not covered in the optical agreements, have your optical services provider (ophthalmologist, optometrist, or optician) complete the Request for Optical Services form AEHB4001.

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.


Connect with the Health Benefits Contact Centre:

Phone: 780‑427‑6848
Toll free: 1‑877‑469‑5437

Fax: 780‑415‑8386 (Edmonton)
Toll free fax: 1‑855‑415‑8386

Mailing address:
Health Benefits Contact Centre
PO Box 2222 Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5H3
