
Alberta health insurance and benefits, doctors, hospitals and facilities, and other healthcare supports and information.


The Regional Advisory Councils and Indigenous Advisory Council will listen to communities and recommend ways to improve the health care system.

Continuing care services and accommodation, legislation and standards, licensing and compliance monitoring.

Alberta Aids to Daily Living, Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP), adult and child health benefit programs, drug and palliative care benefits, seniors benefits, benefit claims.

The dental fee guide is a helpful tool for Albertans.

Find a family doctor or a Primary Care Network in your area. You can also call Health Link for help.

Find hospitals and other approved health care facilities such as nursing homes and Primary Care Networks.

Find data, tools, grant funding opportunities and research related to the health of Albertans.

Before you head to emergency or your doctor's office, call Health Link at 811 for trusted health advice.

Ambulance and emergency health services, Indigenous health, organ donation, blood program, Crown’s right to recovery, wait times.

Learn what is being done to improve Indigenous health care and programs to support Indigenous health care needs.

Access your health information, mental health and addictions, health resources, disease prevention, reduce smoking and vaping.

Alberta’s response to address the threat of AMR and protect our future.

Primary health care is your first point of contact with the health system, bringing health services closer to where you live.

Transitioning to regional health corridors will help provincial health agencies respond to the needs of local communities.

Increasing access and strengthening our health system for rural and remote Albertans with the health care they need.

Business and delivery supports and resources for health professionals.