Part of Adoption

Supports for Permanency

Families who adopt or obtain private guardianship of a child in permanent government care can apply for financial assistance.

Changes to this program are proposed under Budget 2025.


The Supports for Permanency program provides financial support to families who adopt or obtain private guardianship of children under the age of 18 years in permanent government care.

Available financial supports include:

  • basic foster care maintenance rates
  • up to $70 per week to help with the child or youth’s emotional and behavioral needs
  • respite care of up to 576 hours per year per family
  • up to 10 counselling sessions per year
  • treatment of a child in a residential facility
  • reimbursement for the costs of transporting a First Nations child or youth, the caregiver and other family members in the home to the child or youth’s band(s), community or extended family to maintain cultural ties
  • medically necessary orthodontic treatment assistance
  • medical or psychological assessment assistance necessary to qualify for other programs and services


The following are eligible for the program:

  • families who adopted or obtained private guardianship of a child or youth who was the subject of a Permanent Guardianship Order or a Permanent Guardianship Agreement in Alberta

Your family may also be eligible for additional services coordinated with the Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program.

How to apply

To apply for Supports for Permanency, contact your nearest Child and Family Services office or Delegated First Nation Agency.



Connect with Alberta Adoption and Permanency Services with questions or comments.