Subsidiary 2 – Administrative and program services

Find stream definitions, benchmark listings and classes and point bands for administrative and program services.


Evaluators need to understand why the job exists, determine the focus of the work and have a sound understanding of the job responsibilities, then assess it against the:

  • stream definitions for each Subsidiary work group by considering the stream descriptor in its entirety rather than isolated phrases
  • guide charts
  • benchmark jobs developed for each Subsidiary and Stream, which identify the number of levels and characterize the difference between the work in each level in a Stream

In some cases, it may be necessary to assess the work by using the guide charts and benchmarks for the management plan.

The following questions can be used as a guide:

  • Which Subsidiary and Stream do the job responsibilities fall within?
  • What is the rating?
  • Which benchmark job aligns with the kind and level of work?
  • Where appropriate, do the job responsibilities compare to the Management Job Evaluation Plan and the benchmarks?

Work currently performed within the Administrative and Program Services component of the Government of Alberta has been evaluated using a point rating system. To assess whether a job falls within the Administrative and Program Services component, consider the type of work performed. Determine the focus of the job: why does the job exist? Once you have clarified the job's purpose, determine whether the job belongs in this Subsidiary and, if so, in which Stream. In general, the work in this component has a professional focus. Five groupings have been recognized in the Administrative and Program Services component of the Alberta Public Service. These are:

Stream definitions

  • Administration

    This work primarily involves senior administrative services where the administration is integral to the efficient operation of program delivery or represents the highest level of administering program services. These positions are typically viewed as administrative professionals. For those positions with the requirement for technical knowledge of a subject area, (that is, program specialists) the knowledge is applied in administering the program operation.

  • Education

    This work involves applying theoretical knowledge in Kindergarten to Grade 12 educational curriculum and course development, or Kindergarten to Grade 12 educational curriculum and psychometric standards. This knowledge is used to develop, select or evaluate materials supporting the curriculum, or to measure educational achievement in the provincial school system. The work includes providing leadership and advice to other staff involved in designing or evaluating materials and usually includes consultation with external stakeholders.

  • Finance

    This work primarily involves professional accounting and financial work. The majority of jobs focus on the financial systems of government in tracking, analyzing, compiling, collecting, reporting, etc., often in support of further analysis done by others. This stream also includes work done in specialized financial programs mandated by government legislation and includes the role of the financial professional actively carrying out a government program.

    Some positions in Finance Level 4 that are assigned duties which meet identified criteria may, pursuant to a Letter of Understanding, be eligible for a salary modifier.

  • Program Services

    This work involves applying theoretical knowledge and program know-how to deliver or develop provincial programs and/or policies within a social science framework*. The services are primarily focused on elements of the practical infrastructure such as municipal governance and rural or economic development, or public programs such as health and cultural aspects of communities.

    In the strategic development of programs and policy, positions may be involved in: providing advice, leadership, facilitation, stakeholder consultation, evaluation, planning, research, and analysis and interpretation of policies and programs. Research work in this stream involves adapting and using appropriate research methodologies, analyzing data and statistics, using economic or other modelling, managing social or economic databases, or leading research projects.

    In the professional delivery of programs and policy, positions may have specific roles or a combination of roles. Examples of this kind of work include: career and employment counseling, ensuring compliance with legislation by external clients, communication and public relations, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy coordination, and professional historical and library services. Positions may be involved in professional technical writing, the strategic dissemination of information, providing education and problem resolution, or recommending additional sources of information to support government staff, communities, individuals or programs.

    *The Social Science framework typically includes Anthropology, Communication, Cultural Studies, Economics, Geography, History, International Relations, Governance, Political Science, Psychology, Social Policy, Sociology, and Information and Library Science.

  • Scientific

    This work involves conducting or overseeing functions relating to original or applied research studies within the natural science fields. Consulting, policy analysis and technical knowledge transfer may be activities that occur within this stream at advanced levels as well, but the primary focus is on original or applied research.

Criteria for Subsidiary 2 salary modifiers

  • Senior Public Affairs Officer

    To be eligible for the 'Senior Public Affairs Officer' salary modifier the following conditions must be met:

    • the job is allocated to Communication Level 4
    • the reporting relationship is through the Communications Director
    • on a regular and ongoing basis: 
      • provides senior strategic communications planning, counsel, and strategies in support of the minister and senior departmental staff
      • has responsibility for the communication of very complex and/or sensitive information materials 
      • provides pro-active issues management support, and 
      • provides media relations

    These positions have been moved to the Program Services 4 classification.

  • Senior Tax Officer

    To be eligible for the Senior Tax Officer salary modifier the following conditions must be met:

    • the job is allocated to Finance Level 4
    • assigned a Tax Officer role in Alberta Revenue, Tax and Revenue Administration
    • on a regular and ongoing basis: 
      • leads or performs complex tax administration processes for corporate, commodity or revenue programs
      • has responsibility for the more complex and high risk tax issues, and 
      • is assigned a lead role in team or individual initiatives as the Tax and Revenue Administration program expert

Benchmark listings

Classes and point bands

Table 1. Subsidiary 2 classes and point bands

Class numberClass titleMinimumMaximum
Classes listed on 'Schedule A' for Subsidiary 2
Classes listed on 'Schedule A-1' for Subsidiary 2
023SCScientific 1314370
024SCScientific 2371438
025SCScientific 3439518
026SCScientific 4519613
027SCScientific 5614734
021PSProgram Services 1228268
022PSProgram Services 2269313
023PSProgram Services 3314370
024PSProgram Services 4371438
025PSProgram Services 5439518
021FNFinance 1228268
022FNFinance 2269313
023FNFinance 3314370
024FNFinance 4371438
021ANAdministration 1228268
022ANAdministration 2269313
021EDEducation 1439518