Excluded administrative support

Find stream definitions, benchmark listings and classes and point bands for excluded administrative support job positions.


Evaluators need to understand why the job exists, determine the focus of the work and have a sound understanding of the job responsibilities, then assess it against the:

  • stream definitions by considering the stream descriptor in its entirety rather than isolated phrases
  • guide charts
  • generic benchmark jobs developed for Executive Support which identify the number of levels and characterize the difference between the work in each level in a Stream

In some cases, it may be necessary to assess the work by using the guide charts and benchmarks for the management plan.

The following questions can be used as a guide:

  • Which level do the job responsibilities fall within?
  • What is the rating?
  • Which benchmark job aligns with the kind and level of work?
  • Where appropriate, do the job responsibilities compare to the benchmarks in another stream or the Management Job Evaluation Plan?

Work currently performed within the Executive Support component of the Government of Alberta has been evaluated using a point rating system. To assess whether a job falls within the Executive Support component, consider the type of work performed.

Work in this stream consists of secretarial and administrative positions on the personal staff of a Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister or comparable* executive.

On the personal staff of the executive requires consideration of the following criteria:

  • the individual would be dedicated to and work almost exclusively for the Assistant Deputy Minister or Deputy Minister or the person having comparable duties and responsibilities and:
    • work under their immediate direction and control
    • have a regular material involvement with the executive
    • have regular contact with the executive
  • as long as the criteria in (a) apply, the individual may report through a senior administrative support position that reports directly to the executive

*Comparable is defined for the purposes of the Executive Support Stream, as an executive, who is comparable in scope and complexity to the positions of Assistant Deputy Minister or Deputy Minister, where the position is allocated, at a minimum, to the Executive Manager II classification, and where the terms Assistant Deputy Minister or Deputy Minister are not in use by a given department, board, tribunal or corporation of the public service.

Stream definitions

Benchmark listings

Classes and point bands

Table 1. Excluded Administrative Support classes and point bands

Class numberClass titleMinimumMaximum
311ESExecutive Support 1113160
312ESExecutive Support 2161191
313ESExecutive Support 3192313
311MOMinister's Secretary113160
312MOMinister's Administrative Assistant192313
311LGSecretary to the Lieutenant Governor161191
312LGAdministrative Assistant to the Lieutenant Governor192313

For more information, see Opted out and excluded pay plans and salary ranges.