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204 results
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Gathered input on Clare’s Law, which gives people at risk of domestic violence the option to request information about an intimate partner’s violent past.
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An expert advisory committee reviewed Alberta’s auto insurance system for options to reduce costs and ensure sustainability.
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A common sense approach to Crown land management that finds the right balance between conservation, recreation and economic use.
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Albertans shared their feedback on the collection of road user fees to finance a new bridge.
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Stakeholders can share ideas to help us develop the Rural Alberta Provincial Integrated Defence (RAPID) Response to fight rural crime.
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Explored ways to renew and expand trades education and opportunities so students get the right skills and training to get good jobs in Alberta.
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Stakeholders shared feedback to help improve family and community supports for municipalities and Metis Settlements.
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Gathered input on child care in Alberta to help reduce red tape and improve quality and safety in child care.
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Since 2012, Albertans have been active in helping to plan how to use the water resources of the Wapiti river.
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An independent commissioner was appointed to lead a public inquiry into the foreign-funded campaigns targeting Alberta's oil industry.
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Albertans shared feedback on OHS legislation to ensure it meets the needs of workers and employers.
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Albertans shared feedback on improving and clarifying radiation protection laws.

Definitions of engagement terms.

For engagements older than 2016, visit engagements 2012 to 2015.