The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Test Administration Guide is a helpful resource for testing centres, and includes guidelines, rules and procedures to follow.
About the CAEC Testing Service
The CAEC Testing Service provides, delivers and maintains the administration of the CAEC tests across Canada. It operates out of Alberta Education’s Provincial Assessment Sector.
It is responsible for:
- developing and marking the CAEC tests
- providing ongoing analytics
- operating the digital testing platform, including the data management portal for participating jurisdictions
- reporting on test results
Services include:
- test administration that supports both computer-based and paper-based formats
- marking written response questions
- scoring and reporting
- maintaining the CAEC IT system

Become a CAEC Testing Centre
Contact your local provincial or territorial government to learn more about whether the CAEC will be implemented in your jurisdiction and how to become a CAEC Testing Centre.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
PLAR is a process that acknowledges learning gained outside of the CAEC tests.
- The PLAR process for the CAEC may vary by province or territory.
- It allows candidates to be exempt from writing a CAEC subject test.
- It acknowledges that the candidate has demonstrated learning in a different, but equivalent, way.
- PLAR can be awarded towards a maximum of 4 CAEC subject tests.
Recognizing previous GED tests
Test-takers who passed any 2002 Canadian Test Series GED® tests before the GED® transitioned to the CAEC can apply to have the results count towards CAEC tests in the same subjects for up to 3 years, until May 2027.
- Some jurisdictions may not allow test-takers to rewrite a CAEC subject test for which a previously written GED® test has been awarded.
- Test-takers should check with their province or territory before scheduling a CAEC test if they have already passed a GED® test in that subject.
This policy will be reevaluated before May 2027.
Supports for test-takers
The CAEC is designed to be supportive of test-takers requiring access to learning accommodations. Learn more about the different options available.
For inquiries about the CAEC website, test format, content, rules and information, email the CAEC Testing Service: