Logo: white bookmark icon with text: CAEC / CCEA

The GED® is no longer available in Canada effective May 3, 2024. The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) provides a high-quality, Canadian education credential to replace the GED®.

There is no effect on the validity of completed GED® credentials. The GED® will continue to be recognized as a valid credential.

Open new doors

The CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma and are seeking access to:

  • employment prospects
  • education pathways
  • training opportunities

You should confirm directly with prospective employers, post-secondary institutions and others that the CAEC meets their job or admission requirements.

I want to:

  • Register for a test

Get started

Grey outline icon of a rolled up diploma tied with a ribbon

Where it's offered

The CAEC is a Canadian credential. Visit your provincial or territorial government website to find out if the CAEC is available where you live.

About the tests

Many provinces and territories across Canada, along with employers, post-secondary institutions and apprenticeship providers, developed the CAEC to:

  • meet the needs of adult learners in Canada
  • reflect diverse cultures and perspectives represented in Canada, including those of Indigenous, Francophone and multicultural communities
  • be computer-based, with a paper option
  • be supportive of test-takers requiring access to learning accommodations

Employers, post-secondary institutions and others can count on the CAEC as a reliable indicator of Canadian adults’ level of educational achievement.

Test subjects and format

All tests are available in English and French. Tests are available in the following subject areas. Here is an overview of how many questions each test includes and how long you have to complete each test.

Subject and partsNumber of questionsTime
Reading50 questions75 minutes
Writing1 persuasive writing task75 minutes
Part I: No calculator
Part II: Calculator
42 questions
12 questions
30 questions
120 minutes
30 minutes
90 minutes
Science35 questions90 minutes
Social Studies40 questions90 minutes

Watch this video for more information on how tests are structured and graded:


For inquiries about the CAEC website, test format, content, rules and information, email the CAEC Testing Service:

Logo: bookmark icon with text: CAEC / CCEA Canadian Adult Education Credential / Certificat canadien d'education des adultes