The annual application deadline is the first working day of February.
Applicants are generally notified of grant decisions in May or June.
Successful applicants have until February 28 of the following year to complete their projects and submit invoices/receipts of eligible expenses.
Successful applicants will receive half of their grant upon initiation of their project. To request the final payment, grant recipients will submit invoices/receipts for the entire project.
Grant funding is for owners/stewards of Provincial Historic Resources, Municipal Historic Resources, and Indigenous Historic Places recognized through a Band Council Resolution are eligible to apply for grants for conservation work.
The Heritage Preservation Partnership Program provides matching grants and scholarship funds to support initiatives that preserve and interpret Alberta's heritage.
Historic Resource Conservation Grants provide matching grants to individuals and organizations for the following:
- conservation work on Alberta's Provincial Historic Resources, Municipal Historic Resources and Indigenous Historic Places
- studies and professional services associated with the conservation of Alberta’s Provincial Historic Resources, Municipal Historic Resources and Indigenous Historic Places. Other undesignated historic resources may also be eligible. Please contact the Heritage Conservation Adviser for your region or the Program Coordinator.
Provincial Historic Resources and Municipal Historic Resources are historic places that are formally recognized and legally protected through the process of designation. Provincial Historic Resources are designated by the province and Municipal Historic Resources are designated by municipalities. These are listed on the Alberta Register of Historic Places.
Indigenous Historic Places are located on reserve land and cannot be designated as Provincial or Municipal Historic Resources but recognized with a Band Council Resolution.
The same application form is used to apply for these grants.
Applicants are expected to contribute at least 50% of the total eligible project cost.
For more information, read the Guidelines for Historic Resource Conservation Grants.
For information on how heritage conservation advisers support the designation program and the grant program for designated properties, read Protecting Alberta’s Historic Places.
There are 2 separate funding opportunities available to applicants.
Grants for Conservation Work
Conservation includes actions or processes that safeguard the character-defining elements of a historic place to retain its heritage value and extend its physical life.
This may involve one or more conservation treatments:
- preservation
- rehabilitation
- restoration
The maximum matching grants are as follows:
Location | Maximum matching grant |
Provincial Historic Resources | $100,000 per historic place |
Municipal Historic Resources | $50,000 per historic place |
Indigenous historic places | $50,000 per historic place |
Studies and professional services grants
In addition to a grant for conservation work, a matching of grant of $25,000 is also available for studies, reports, plans and professional services for architects, engineers and other professional consultants associated with the conservation of a historic place. The same maximum grant applies to all historic resources regardless of designation.
Eligible applicants
Owners and authorized stewards of Alberta’s historic places may apply.
Applicants include the following:
- individuals
- registered organizations
- non-profit organizations
- corporations
- church organizations
- schools and other educational institutions
- municipalities
- First Nations and Metis Settlements
Ineligible applicants
The following applicants are not eligible to apply:
- Provincial government departments
- Friends organizations associated with government owned and operated historic sites and interpretive centres
How to apply
Step 1. Consult with a heritage conservation adviser or program coordinator.
Consult with us before applying to ensure eligibility and compliance with the 'Standard and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada'.
Email the Program Coordinator or call 780-431-2305 to get started.
Step 2. Review the guidelines
Step 3. Complete the application form and gather all supporting documents.
Fill out a paper or electronic copy of the Historic Resource Conservation Grant Application Form.
When preparing the project budget, you may use the template for Cash Costs and In-kind Costs.
The application must include the following:
- project budget and timelines
- contractor's estimates for proposed work or invoices/receipts for completed work
- other supporting documents listed in the application form
Applications for Municipal Historic Resources must include a written approval from the municipality for the conservation work identified on the application. Review a sample letter.
Step 4. Submit your application package
Drop off, mail, send by courier or email application to:
Heritage Preservation Partnership Program
Old St. Stephen’s College Building
8820 112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P8
Application deadline is the first working day of February.
After you apply
Grant applications are evaluated using a number of factors including, but not limited to:
- the size or scale of the historic place
- scope of the project
- conservation priorities
- ability of proponent to conduct the work and complete reporting requirements by February 28 of the following year
- status of previous projects/grants
- grant program’s budget
Applicants are generally notified of the funding decision in May or June.
Grant payments
Grant recipients will be asked to sign a Grant Funding Agreement. The Agreement will provide the terms and conditions of the grant.
Successful applicants will receive half of their grant upon initiation of their project.
To request the final payment, grant recipients will submit the following:
- Record of Project Expenses form for the entire project
- invoices, receipts of cash expenditures and statement of donated labour, materials, services, equipment (if applicable) for the entire project
Work will be inspected by the Heritage Conservation Adviser and must comply with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Reporting and grant conditions
Grant recipients have until February 28 of the following year to complete their project, access their grant and complete reporting requirements.
Grant recipients must publicly acknowledge the Alberta government’s financial support. Recognition may be on print, online, through media outlets or event opportunities.
Connect with the Program Coordinator:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-431-2305 (in Alberta)
Toll free: dial 310-0000 before the number (in Alberta)