Designation of provincial historic resources

Search for provincially protected historic places and apply to designate a Provincial Historic Resource.

Historic Resource designation

Designation is a form of legal protection that helps to recognize and protect historic places. The Historical Resources Act empowers the Government of Alberta to designate a site as a Provincial Historic Resource.

To qualify, historic places must normally be associated with a significant aspect of Alberta’s past and retain the physical site features necessary to convey this significance.

Eligible historic resources

  • structures
  • archaeological sites
  • palaeontological resources
  • other immovable works of humans or nature that have historic, cultural, natural, scientific or aesthetic value

Owner obligations to Provincial Historic Resources

Owners are considered stewards of their properties.

Without approval in writing from the minister, a Provincial Historic Resource cannot be:

  • destroyed
  • disturbed
  • altered
  • restored
  • repaired
  • removed

Owners of Provincial Historic Resources should discuss any proposed interventions with program staff before submitting a formal request to the Minister.

The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada offers guidance for how to make appropriate conservation decisions.

Owner supports

For information on how owners of Provincial Historic Resources are supported through grants and conservation advice, read Protecting Alberta’s Historic Places.

Submit application for designation

You may submit an application to have a site evaluated for possible historic resource designation.

Step 1. Contact us

Contact the Provincial Designation Program to discuss the possible designation of a site.

Step 2. Complete application form

Complete the application form and return it to the Provincial Designation Program.

Step 3. Obtain owner consent

Written authorization from the property owner consenting to designation should be included as part of the application package.

Step 4. Evaluation

Once the application is received, the significance and physical integrity of the site are evaluated to determine if it meets the criteria for Provincial Historic Resource designation.

The results of the evaluation are referred to the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of the Heritage Division for approval.

Step 5. MLA is notified of the proposed designation

A letter is sent to the area MLA to notify them of the proposed designation if the ADM agrees to designate the site as a Provincial Historic Resource.

Step 6. Notice of Intention to Designate a Provincial Historic Resource

A Notice of Intention to Designate is served to the owner and published in the Alberta Gazette.

The Notice of Intention contains a clear explanation of the legal implications of designating the site as a Provincial Historic Resource.

If no representations are made, then after 60 days from the date that the Notice is served to the site owner and published in the Alberta Gazette, a formal Designation Order is prepared for consideration by the Minister.

Step 7. Order designating a Provincial Historic Resource

If the Minister agrees with the recommendation to designate the resource, the Order Designating a Provincial Historic Resource is signed.

A copy of the Order is immediately served to the owner.

An original or certified copy of the Order is also registered on the Certificate of Title with the appropriate Alberta Land Titles office.

The Order is published in the Alberta Gazette.

A Provincial Historic Resource plaque is sent to the owner.

Step 8. Listing on the Alberta and Canadian Registers of Historic Places

The resource is listed on the Alberta Register of Historic Places.

If the resource is eligible, it will be submitted for listing on the Canadian Register of Historic Places.

Search historic places

All designated historic places in Alberta can be found on the Alberta Register of Historic Places.


Connect with the Provincial Designation Program:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-431-2300
Toll free: dial 310-0000 before the number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-427-5598

Old St. Stephen’s College
8820 112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta  T6G 2P8
