Replace your AHCIP card

Get a replacement personal health care card if it has been damaged, lost or stolen.

Get a replacement card

If you have lost or damaged your Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) personal health care card, get a replacement card.

Replacement cards are mailed to you from the AHCIP office.

Note, you may laminate your card to protect it.

Use the AHCIP interactive phone system

If you know your health number and your current address is in our system, you can order your card using our interactive phone system.

  • Phone: 780-427-1432 and press 3, then follow the prompts.
  • Toll free in Alberta: 310-0000, then the phone number, then press 3 and follow the prompts.

If you do not know your health number, press 0 to be transferred to an agent.

High call volumes

Due to high call volumes, you will have to wait on hold or you may be asked to call another time.

Complete the form

Fill in and download the form – AHCIP Notice of Change – UPDATE

  • You need to know your personal health care card number.

Bring the completed form into a participating registry or mail to the AHCIP office.

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.

Visit in person

Bring your completed form to a participating registry. The registry will also have paper forms you can fill out.

  • You need to know your personal health care card number.

If you do not know your health care card number, you need to call AHCIP.


Faxing is not recommended if you are a new or returning applicant. We require photo identification and images do not come through clearly in the fax and the application is often returned.

Fax: 780-422-0102

Stolen cards

If you believe your card was stolen and is being used fraudulently, order a replacement card. You should also order a Statement of Benefits Paid. When you receive the statement and find medical services that do not belong to you, follow the instructions on the back of the statement.