AEMA training standards and policies

Learn about how incident management training is conducted, monitored, and accredited in Alberta.


In addition to Alberta’s emergency management legislation, several standards and policies guide Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA)’s processes, procedures, and practices regarding incident management training.

Incident management system

Alberta Incident Management System (AIMS)

Alberta Incident Management System (AIMS) is Alberta’s prescribed command, control, and coordination system, under the Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation. AIMS guides all levels of government, civil-society organizations (CSOs), and the private sector to work together to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents.

Jurisdiction requirements

Provincial/Territorial Authority Having Jurisdiction (PTAHJ) requirements

ICS Canada recognizes the Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) as the PTAHJ for ICS training and instructor certification in Alberta. AEMA creates and administers processes to qualify, certify, and credential personnel for incident related positions.

The Government Emergency Management Regulation and Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation enable AEMA to establish policies and procedures to support its responsibility to conduct and/or facilitate incident management training.

Training standards and policies

ICS Canada Curriculum and Training Standards

The Incident Command System (ICS) is an organizational structure for incident management that integrates and coordinates a combination of procedures, personnel, equipment, facilities, and communications. The ICS Canada steering committee developed the ICS Canada Curriculum and Training Standards document, which includes an operational description, standard training course summaries, instructor qualifications, recognition process, and the process for quality assurance and integrity of the ICS Canada curriculum. ICS Canada’s doctrine directly supports the Alberta’s prescribed command, control, and coordination system.

Alberta Incident Management Practitioner Training Standards (AIMPTS)

AIMPTS details the process of a tiered training system using a performance-based approach that focuses on verifying the capabilities of personnel to perform as required in the various incident-related positions. This approach incorporates knowledge, skillset, ability, and experience to build proficiency needed in qualifying incident management personnel at the regional and municipal level.

Position Task Books

Through the identification of required training prerequisites, skillsets and performance measures, AIMPTS utilizes identified skillsets and Position Task Books (PTBs) which identify the competencies, behaviours, and tasks for a defined position. These experiential records of exercise and incident employment combined with the use of an ICS Form 225 (Incident Personnel Performance Rating) place greater importance on employment performance since evaluators can observe the proficiencies of the individual in executing of a series of pre-designated tasks.

AEMA has adopted the All-Hazard Incident Management Team Association (AHIMTA) Position Task Books for use within Alberta. AEMA would like to express its appreciation to AHIMTA in allowing the agency to publish their PTBs to this website.

AEMA Training, Certification, and Standards policies

AEMA Training, Certification, and Standards (TCS) requires instructors to adhere to its policies for administrative efficiency, quality assurance, and to support the interoperability of incident management training. These policies are in place to further support AIMPTS and are reviewed on an annual basis.

AEMA TCS welcomes constructive feedback with the goal of strengthening AEMA’s incident management training program. Please provide your feedback on AEMA instruction or instructional materials through the survey linked below. All submissions will remain anonymous and contact information is only required for formal complaints to allow for follow-up and remedial action.


Connect with Alberta Emergency Management Agency Training:
Email: [email protected]

Alberta Emergency Management Agency
12360 142 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5L 2H1