2024-25 Diploma exam update
The weighting of diploma exams returned to 30% on September 1, 2023. Students who wrote a diploma exam or completed a diploma exam course in 2022-23 may still be eligible for the 20% weighting that applied at that time. For more information about these special circumstances, see the Diploma Exam Weighting Overview fact sheet.
Important dates
- View the full 2024-25 diploma exam schedule.
- 2024-25 Calculator Information and Rules for Mathematics and Science Diploma Exams
- Deadlines to register to write or rewrite diploma exams are specific to the administration in which the diploma exams will be written. For specific deadlines, see the Significant dates at a glance.
- Student results are available on myPass approximately 3 weeks after writing diploma exams.
Digital tests and exams
Alberta Education is transitioning to a new digital platform for provincial student assessments, meaning that eventually students will write diploma exams and provincial achievement tests in a digital environment rather than pencil and paper.
The transition to digital assessments will be done in an incremental and measured way to allow school authorities, administrators, teachers, and students time to learn and interact with the new platform.
Information for teachers, parents and students
For the 2024-25 school year, Alberta Education is in touch with school authorities directly to offer them opportunities to participate in a variety of optional implementation activities. Teachers, parents and students can navigate the assessment platform and access practice exams and resources. Questions and feedback may be directed to online.assessment@gov.ab.ca. If you have questions about whether your school will be administering digital assessments this school year, please contact your school principal.
Information for school principals
Principals can contact the ae.helpdesk@gov.ab.ca to request access for their school so they can set up their account and add other administrators and teachers. Once teachers have been added and set up their account, they can administer practice written response assignments. Instructions on using the system can be found in this user guide.
Guides for students
The Alberta government creates and maintains the following guides to help students prepare to write diploma exams:
Exemplars, examples of students' writing and practice questions
Find practice questions on the new Digital Assessment Platform (DAP) or Quest A+.
How to register
Registration for Alberta high school students
School staff will register students enrolled in diploma exams courses for the first time.
Students who retake courses will not automatically be registered. These students must register online using myPass.
Students must contact a writing centre to request permission to write at that centre before self-registering.
This information is updated annually in the spring.
Registration for mature students
Mature students may write diploma exams without taking diploma exam courses in the following sessions:
- November
- January
- April
- June
- August
Mature students who want to write a diploma exam without taking the course must register online with myPass.
They also must make arrangements to ensure that space and a diploma exam are available, either by speaking with the principal of the high school where they intend to write or a designated writing centre.
Definition of mature student status
A mature student is someone who, as of September 1 of the current school year, is either:
- 19 years of age or older, or
- the holder of a previously awarded high school diploma from Alberta or an equivalent high school diploma from a jurisdiction acceptable to the Minister of Education
Mature student status is granted effective September 1 for the current school year. If a student is uncertain about their status as a mature student, they can call the Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI) and Student Records at 780‑422‑9337 (toll-free 310-0000 within Alberta).
Carefully read the Diploma Exam Rules for Students (PDF, 129 KB) before writing your diploma exams.
Students must bring their own writing materials for all exams, including:
- pens
- HB pencils
- one approved and appropriately configured calculator
To ensure equity and fairness to all students, only calculators that have been approved by Alberta Education may be used when writing diploma exams. Students may use only one calculator (scientific or graphing) with no prohibited properties during a diploma exam. The calculator directives, expectations, criteria, and keystrokes required for clearing approved calculators are in the 2024-25 Calculator Information and Rules for Mathematics and Science Diploma Exams.
Tear-out pages for rough work are provided in each biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and science exam booklet.
Special provisions or accommodations
Accommodations and provisions are available for students with a special diploma exam writing need. This may include:
- additional time to write the exam
- audio versions of exams
- large print
- Braille
Talk to your principal or school counsellor for more information.
Talk to your principal or school counsellor if any of the following situations prevent you from writing a diploma exam you registered for:
- illness
- school closure
- accident or death in your immediate family
You may be permitted to write at a Special Writing Centre if you are out of the province when diploma exams are administered. Speak with your principal for more information.
You may rewrite a diploma exam or ask to have it rescored if you believe that your diploma exam mark does not accurately reflect your level of achievement in a course.
To request a rescore of a diploma exam, apply online using myPass.
The deadline to request a rescore is provided on your Results Statement. Requests received after the deadline will not be granted.
The fee for rescoring each exam is $26.25 (including GST). This fee is refunded if your exam mark is raised by 5% or more as a result of a rescore.
Your most recent school-awarded mark will be blended with the rescore exam mark, and a new Results Statement will be available on myPass.
The mark resulting from rescoring becomes your final exam mark, even if it is lower than the original mark.
Rescoring the machine-scored section rarely changes the score. Refer to the written response raw score reported on your Results Statement to help you decide if you want your exam rescored.
Improving your mark
If a diploma exam has 2 parts, you must write (or rewrite) both parts of the diploma exam during the same diploma exam administration to earn credit for that diploma exam course. If this is impossible, talk to your principal or school counsellor.
You may repeat a diploma course without rewriting the diploma exam. However, students who received an exemption and retake instruction in a diploma exam course must write the diploma exam to acquire a final official mark associated with the new school-awarded mark. Exemptions are not carried forward.
You may also rewrite a diploma exam without repeating the diploma course.
When you repeat a course or rewrite a diploma exam, your new Results Statement will list your most recently earned marks. Your new transcript, if you request one, will show only the highest diploma exam mark and highest school-awarded mark earned.
Rewrite fees
Students are charged a non-refundable rewrite registration fee for a diploma exam if they have written a diploma exam in this course within the current or two previous school years.
If students are rewriting a diploma exam they must pay a rewrite fee of $26.25 (including GST) per exam. The rewrite fee for non‑funded visiting students is $50.00 (including GST) per exam.
The rewrite fee is non‑refundable and cannot be transferred to other diploma exams or other diploma exam administrations even if the diploma exam is not written.
Rewrite fees can be paid online using myPass or by cheque or money order in the mail made payable to the “Government of Alberta”.
Payment must be submitted and received prior to the exam date.
Inquiries about student enrolment, marks, and mature student status
Phone: 780-422-9337
Email: studentrecords@gov.ab.ca
Inquiries about transcripts, credentials, detailed academic reports, and rewrite fees
Phone: 780-427-5732
Email: studentrecords@gov.ab.ca
Special cases, accommodations, and exemptions
Phone: 780-427-9795
Phone: 780‑415-9242
Phone: 780-427-4215
Email: special.cases@gov.ab.ca
To contact us with questions about Provincial Assessment Sector
Phone: 780-427-1857
Email: exam.admin@gov.ab.ca
To call toll free (within Alberta)
Dial 310-0000 before the phone number.