Wildfire status

Find active wildfires on the wildfire map and dashboard, see wildfires of note and find the latest forest area updates.

Call 310-FIRE (3473) to report a wildfire in a forested area.

Forest on fire with smoke in the air

Active wildfires

The location and details of all active wildfires and fire bans, restrictions and advisories in Alberta.

View interactive map

Forest on fire with smoke in the air

Wildfires of note

A wildfire of note is determined to be of significant public interest and may pose a threat to public safety, communities or critical infrastructure.

See wildfires of note

Emergency information

Find evacuation information for current emergencies, including travel advisories and financial support.

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Family evacuating

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Forest area updates

The Forest Protection Area is divided into 10 forest areas.

Find the latest updates for each area here or subscribe to receive them in your inbox.

Forest areas of Alberta map

To view current and forecasted fire danger for the Forest Protection Area of Alberta during wildfire season, see Fire danger.

Wildfire status definitions

Wildfires are regularly assessed by experts and assigned a status to describe the behaviour of the wildfire, and how it is responding to suppression efforts under current and expected conditions.

Access wildfire data

To see current and historical wildfire and weather data, see Wildfire maps and data.

Wildfire preparedness

Learn what you can do to prepare yourself and others in the event of a wildfire. See Wildfire preparedness for more details.