Part of Wildfire status
Wildfire update

Calgary Forest Area
Wildfire update

Current information on wildfire conditions within the Calgary Forest Area.

Moderate wildfire danger

The wildfire danger across the Calgary Forest Area (CFA) is now MODERATE. The overall wildfire danger remains MODERATE, however above seasonal temperatures and strong winds have accelerated the snow melt. Exposed areas of dead grass are of particular concern and can carry fast moving wildfires.

Warm, windy conditions are expected to persist through the weekend, with a possible downturn on Monday with cooler temperatures and forecasted snow.

The Calgary wildfire updates have moved to this new location. Find the same relevant wildfire information, in an upgraded format. Sign up to receive these updates in your inbox.

Wildfire season runs March 1 – October 31.

From March 1 to October 31, all burning activities in the Forest Protection Area, excluding campfires, require a fire permit.

Prevent wildfires by checking on winter burn sites.  Winter burns can smoulder underground and often reignite in the spring. Extinguish a fire by soaking it, stirring it, and soaking it again.

Contact info

Anastasia Drummond