Wildfires can still ignite in cooler weather, particularly when it's dry and windy. The region is experiencing above-seasonal temperatures and strong gusting winds in some areas, which accelerate snowmelt and exposes dry, dead grass, creating conditions that can fuel fast-moving wildfires. Always use caution in forested areas. If you see smoke or flames in the forest and suspect it may be a wildfire, report it to 310-FIRE.
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Wildfire season runs March 1 – October 31.
From March 1 to October 31, all burning activities in the Forest Protection Area, excluding campfires, require a fire permit.
Prevent wildfires by checking on winter burn sites. Winter burns can smoulder underground and often reignite in the spring. Extinguish a fire by soaking it, stirring it, and soaking it again.
Contact info
Allanah McLean