Part of Land surveys

Wellsite traverse project

The Surveys Section approves and stores the province’s wellsite traverse survey plans.

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The Director of Surveys office is responsible for the approval and storage of Alberta’s wellsite traverse survey plans.

About the data set

Information about the registered wellsite traverse survey plans is stored in 2 folders.

Index folder

The Index folder holds TIFF (Tag Image File Format – .tif) files of all of the plan index cards. They contain both traverse-plan diagrams for each township and a list of the plans within the township.

Wellsite folder

The Wellsite folder holds TIFF files of wellsite traverse plans by vault (WS) number. The Director of Surveys office assigns the vault numbers. Information on approximately 338 dormant wellsite traverse plans is also available in this folder. These are plans that have not yet been approved.

Problem areas

The Director of Surveys office attempted to get the clearest images possible when scanning the original material. However, in some images it may be difficult to read the information. If you find an image that is unreadable contact our office.

The Director of Surveys office looks at original material in an attempt to improve the image. If the image cannot be improved the plan’s original surveyor must be contacted.

There are 2 plans the Director of Surveys office does not have, WS108570 and WS122241.


Connect with the Director of Surveys:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 310-LAND (5263)
Toll free: 1-833-310-5689

Director of Surveys
15th Floor, Oxbridge Place
9820 106 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2J6