Part of Land surveys

Director of Surveys

The Director of Surveys is an Alberta land surveyor designated by the Minister of Forestry and Parks to administer the Surveys Act.


Under the Surveys Act, the Director of Surveys coordinates the establishment, maintenance and preservation of the provincial land survey system and provides and maintains the provincial spatial referencing system. This system is a coordinate-based system used to locate geographical entities.

Tools and resources

Supporting programs

The Director of Surveys uses 2 programs to help administer the Surveys Act. They are the Land Surveys and Geodetic Control units. Both of these groups offer products and services related to surveying in Alberta. They also provide important policy updates.


The Director of Surveys also references these websites (this is not an endorsement of these sites):

Water boundaries

See Water Boundaries for information on changes in natural boundaries and the Crown’s ownership assessment of the bed and shore of water bodies.

Alberta–BC boundary

The Director of Surveys for Alberta is also the Boundary Commissioner under the Boundary Surveys Act.

Read more about the Alberta–British Columbia Boundary Commission and their on ongoing work to maintain the provincial border.