Training and employment services

Workplace skills, training programs and employment services to help individuals get back to work.

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Training and employment services


Training and employment services are programs and services that help Albertans who are unemployed or under-employed and those on Employment Insurance (EI) to gain the skills and knowledge to participate in the labour market and secure employment.

Training and employment services also support employers and industry to have the workforce they need to create jobs, grow their business and the economy.

These programs and services are delivered by contracted providers on behalf of the Alberta government. Service providers are selected through a competitive procurement process through a request for proposals.

Programs and Services

Transition to Employment Services

Provides one-on-one services to obtain and maintain employment, including job matching, work experience, short-term training courses and equipment required for the job.

Learn more about the the transition to employment services

Integrated Training

Provides competency-based training that combines occupation-related skills, work experience and essential skills. Integrated Training supports the connection between training and the application of new skills in real workplace situations. This program builds and strengthens relationships between employers, industry and providers to help Albertans gain the skills needed in the labour market.

Learn more about integrated training


Offers formal instruction on all aspects of business operation, including business plan development, business counselling, coaching and guidance, to individuals who want to start a business.

Learn more about self-employment training

Workplace Training

Provides employer-driven worksite training and paid work experience opportunities to those who are unemployed looking to obtain and maintain a job.

Learn more about workplace training

Immigrant Bridging

Trains immigrants with prior skills, education or experience in a specific occupation so they can bridge gaps in knowledge or skills to gain employment in that occupation or a similar, related occupation.

Learn more about immigrant bridging

How to apply

View the Training and Employment Services Directory for a list of funded programs and services available to unemployed and under-employed Albertans across the province.

To apply for programs, email or call the providers at the contact information provided in the directory.

Connect with the Alberta Supports Contact Centre for general information.