Teacher certification

How to apply for your teaching certification in Alberta.

For families affected by strike action, contact your local school authority to learn more about impacts to students.

The information and requirements on this page have recently been updated to align with the Labour Mobility Act. Applicants are encouraged to review this content carefully to ensure they are following the most up-to-date instructions.


To teach in Alberta, you must hold a valid Alberta teaching certificate issued by Alberta Education. Alberta Education is the only body that can assess credentials for teaching authority in Alberta.

Generally, you will need to:

  1. Apply for Interim Professional Certification so that Alberta Education can assess your educational and professional qualifications.
  2. If you meet the requirements, you will be issued Interim Professional Certification, which allows you to teach in an Alberta-accredited school and is valid for 3 years.
  3. When you meet all the requirements for Permanent Professional Certification, your school authority must recommend you for a permanent certificate.

Before you apply

You can apply for teacher certification as a graduate from a teacher preparation program from Alberta, another province or territory in Canada or outside of Canada. However, there are some special considerations to note as you complete your application.

  • Alberta applicants

    Here is a brief video on how to apply for teacher certification for students graduating from an Alberta teacher preparation program.

    Temporary teaching authority

    Alberta applicants with an employment offer ahead of graduation are eligible for a 90-day temporary teaching authority.

    1. Submit your Interim Professional Certification application, including all required documentation and fees, at least 8 weeks before the end of your degree program.
    2. We will process your application for a pre-certification letter in approximately 20 business days.
    3. Request an offer letter from your prospective employing school authority.
    4. Take the pre-certification letter and the offer letter from your employer to the dean of your Education faculty and request an early clearance letter stating you have successfully completed your program and will be recommended for teacher certification.

    With these 3 letters, you are authorized to teach for 90 days.

    When the dean’s recommendation list is received by Alberta Education, your Interim Professional Certification will be issued and mailed to you.

  • Cross-Canada Labour Mobility applicants

    Under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, teachers who hold a valid teaching certificate from another Canadian jurisdiction are eligible for certification in Alberta without requiring additional education, training or examination.

    Individuals must still apply for Alberta teacher certification and may be eligible for either Interim Professional Certification or a Letter of Authority with the same scope of practice as authorized by your valid teaching certificate from the other Canadian jurisdiction.

  • Internationally-educated applicants

    All applicants must meet the below criteria. Academic credentials will be assessed on a course-by-course basis. If your program is not acceptable to the Minister of Education, you may need to take additional courses to qualify for Interim Professional Certification.

    When your assessment is complete, you will receive a letter of assessment in the mail that details the outcome of your application.

Apply for Interim Professional Certification

Applications will not be processed until the application fee is received.

Applicants have one year to complete the application. Applicants must ensure all required documentation has been provided within one year, after which time the application will be closed.

Step 1. Check your credentials

All teachers in Alberta require at minimum 4 years of university education, inclusive of a recognized degree and pre-service teacher preparation program from an approved institution. Employment-based training programs are not recognized.

The teacher preparation program must lead to teacher certification in the jurisdiction where the program was completed. It must also include:

  • 48 semester hour credits of coursework in professional teacher education courses within a structured teacher preparation program
  • 10 weeks of supervised student teaching (practicum) at the elementary or secondary level
  • Programs that are not recognized

    Programs not recognized include but are not limited to:

    • School-centered Initial Teacher Training
    • School Direct, or Graduate Teacher Programs
    • Teach America
    • Teacher Ready
  • Programs that may not be recognized

    Other programs and courses that may not be recognized include:

    • denominational or doctrinal courses
    • audit courses
    • self-directed teacher education programs
    • distance delivered education programs
    • alternative certification programs

Step 2. Create a Teacher Workforce Information System (TWINS) account

You must complete an online application through TWINS.

  1. Click ‘Sign up for an Alberta Education Account’. The Alberta Education Account ‘Sign In’ page will display.
  2. Sign up for an Alberta Education account using your personal email. You will receive an email to confirm your enrolment.

Step 3. Complete your application through TWINS

  1. Go to the TWINS Teacher Self-Service website and click the ‘Apply for Alberta Teacher Certification’ button from the left-hand menu.
  2. Complete all sections of the application.
  3. Review your application carefully and ‘Submit Application’ on the last page.
  4. Once completed, you will be automatically directed to the ‘Application Submission Success’ screen. Do not navigate away from the page until the PDF copy of your application is displayed.
  5. Print the PDF copy for your records. It may take up to several minutes to generate. Do not mail a copy of your application unless requested.

Step 4. Pay application fees

Application fees are non-refundable and must be paid at the time you submit your application for teacher certification. Applications cannot be processed until the fee is paid.

Application fees are based on where you completed your teacher preparation program:

  • At an Alberta university: $200
  • At a Canadian university (outside Alberta): $225
  • Outside of Canada: $250

Fees can be paid online through TWINS using VISA, VISA Debit, MasterCard, or American Express, or by mail.

If paying with a credit card, pay when you submit your application.

If paying by mail, send a Canadian money order payable to ‘Government of Alberta’ with your certificate or reference number to the Office of the Registrar:

The Registrar at Alberta Education
2nd floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
10044 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6

Cash, cheques and international money orders are not accepted.

Step 5. Submit all supporting documents

Review your application checklist on TWINS to identify what documents are required.

It may take at least 20 business days for documents to be processed and status updates to be posted to your account.

Translation requirements

Any documents in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by a translation from an official translator.

If a translator is required to translate the documents, the translator used must also work for, or be accredited by, at least one of the following approved organizations:

DocumentAlberta applicantsCross-Canada Labour Mobility applicantsInternationally-educated applicantsHow to submit
Identity documentsRequiredRequiredRequiredOnline or postal mail
Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector CheckRequiredRequiredRequiredSee Criminal record check section below
Evidence of language proficiencyNot requiredNot requiredMay be requiredBy postal mail
Statement of Professional StandingMay be requiredRequiredRequiredEmail where available, or by postal mail directly from all certificating jurisdictions
Official transcriptsMay be requiredNot requiredRequiredEmail where available, or by postal mail directly from all post-secondary institutions
Secondary School Leaving CertificateNot requiredNot requiredRequired (must be a notarized colour copy of the original high school credential with record of courses completed)By postal mail
Evidence of all name changesRequired if applicableRequired if applicableRequired if applicableOnline, email or postal mail
  • Identity documents

    All applicants are required to provide evidence of their legal names and right to work in Canada. Acceptable documents include a photocopy of:

    • a government-issued Canadian birth certificate (if born in Canada)
    • Canadian Citizenship Card or Certificate (front and back)
    • a valid Canadian passport (accepted as evidence of Canadian citizenship only)
    • a valid Permanent Resident Card (front and back)
    • a Canadian Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad
    • a valid Canadian work permit issued without restriction

    For evidence of a change of name:

    • a copy of a government-issued marriage certificate(s), which includes only name, location and date of marriage (marriage registration, civil marriage statements or church marriage certificates are not acceptable)
    • Vital Statistics name change certificate
  • Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check

    A Criminal Record Check must be obtained through one of the agencies as deemed appropriate by the Registrar. It must:

    • be current (within the last 6 months)
    • be original
    • include a Vulnerable Sector Check
    • include all names you have used for legal purposes
    • be from the jurisdiction where you previously resided if less than 6 months in Alberta

    Once complete, submit the results according to the method you used:

    Approved online ePIC system in Canada

    Other electronic system

    • Email [email protected] for assistance, indicating the issuing police service and country.

    RCMP or other police detachment

    • Forward electronic copies, including the entire email and attached documentation, to [email protected].


    • Mail the original hard-copy to:

    The Registrar at Alberta Education
    2nd floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
    10044 108 Street
    Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6

    If you have a record of criminal conviction or charges, you will need to provide additional documentation, which will be determined after your file has been reviewed. After evaluating the details, the Registrar may refuse to issue certification.

  • Evidence of language proficiency

    The Alberta Certification of Teachers and Teacher Leaders Regulation requires applicants to present evidence of language proficiency in at least one of the 2 official languages of Canada, English or French. Proof of language proficiency ensures that teachers are able to communicate effectively in all modes (speaking, reading, listening and writing) in English or French prior to entering the classroom.

    An applicant for teacher certification can demonstrate proficiency in English or French by providing proof of meeting one of the acceptable requirements noted below:

    Official Test Report directly from the issuing institution

    • A current (within 2 years) score report for the Test of English as a Foreign Language – internet based test (TOEFL-iBT) or TOEFL-iBT-Special Home Edition (Institution Code 7357) with a total score of 97, with a minimum score of 27 in Speaking, 24 in Writing, and 23 in the Listening and Reading categories. To register for the TOEFL-iBT, please contact the Corporate Headquarters of the Educational Testing Services in Princeton, New Jersey at 1-609-921-9000, or visit their website.
    • A current (within 2 years) score report for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic test with a score of 6.5 in Writing, Listening and Reading, and 7 in Speaking. For more information, visit the IELTS website.

    Original notarized copy of Diplôme (front and back)

    • A minimum score of B1 on the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF). 
    • A minimum score of C1 on the Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF).

    Additional documentation that may be considered

    • Letter directly from an institution confirming completion of post-secondary education in English or French. This letter must confirm that the language of instruction for the entire duration of the program was English or French when you attended.
    • Letter directly from an institution confirming completion of secondary school education, inclusive of Grade 12 in English or French when you attended.
    • Transcript indicating completion of a post-graduate degree program in English or French from an approved university in Canada.
    • Letter of Verification from your employer stating that at least one year of Canadian teaching experience in an accredited school setting occurred within the last 5 years. The letter must confirm that teaching experience was in English or French.
    • Letter from an Alberta school authority confirming that you have demonstrated language proficiency in either English or French.

    Documentation must be sent directly from the issuing institution/employer to the Office of the Registrar by email at [email protected], or by mail to:

    The Registrar at Alberta Education
    2nd floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
    10044 108 Street
    Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6

  • Statement of Standing

    You will need to provide a Statement of Standing from every jurisdiction where you have held teacher certification, including the jurisdiction where you completed your teacher preparation program. Statements of Standing must be sent directly to the Registrar from each jurisdiction. Labour mobility applicants are expected to provide a Statement of Standing from any Canadian jurisdiction where they hold current and valid teacher certification.

    The Statement of Standing must show:

    • your certificate’s date of issue
    • whether your certificate has been suspended, cancelled or withdrawn
    • the type or level of the certificate
    • the scope of its authority

    If a jurisdiction does not issue certification, a letter of reference is accepted in lieu of a Statement of Standing. Letters of reference must:

    • be on official school letterhead
    • be dated and signed by the head of the school
    • be sent directly to the Registrar at Alberta Education by the head of the school
    • detail the duration of employment as well as subjects and grades taught
    • attest that you left the school in good standing
  • Official transcripts

    Transcripts are a detailed record of courses completed and grades received.

    Transcripts are not accepted by fax or directly from applicants themselves (even if they are in sealed envelopes or notarized). Alberta Education requires official transcripts to be sent by the post-secondary and transfer institutions you attended. These documents must be either mailed directly from the post-secondary institution to the Registrar at Alberta Education or sent electronically via an institutional email address belonging to the appropriate office to [email protected].

    You may be asked to provide additional information, such as a course syllabus of program(s) of study and practicum reports detailing the hours/days/weeks of supervised student teaching.

  • Secondary School Leaving Certificate

    Internationally-educated applicants may need to provide an original notarized colour copy of the high school leaving certificate that includes a record of courses completed and grades received. Your application checklist will indicate if this document is required.

    If a translator is required to translate the documents, the translator used must also work for, or be accredited by, a minimum of one of the following approved organizations:

Step 6. Track the status of your application online

Processing time for applications is based on the date the application was considered complete:

  • Alberta graduates: within 14 business days
  • Cross-Canada Labour Mobility applicants: within 20 business days
  • Internationally-educated applicants: within 120 business days

Application status is not available by phone, email or walk-in. You must log into your TWINS account to check the status of your application.

You will be notified in writing when your file is complete and in the queue for assessment.

If you find an error or omission in your application after it is submitted, email [email protected]. You will be contacted with further instructions if necessary.

Alberta Education will accept consent in electronic form for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Receive Interim Professional Certification

If your application meets the requirements, you will be issued Interim Professional Certification. Once you receive your Interim Professional Certificate, you are formally eligible to teach in an Alberta-accredited school.

Interim Professional Certification extensions or re-issuance

If your Interim Professional Certification has expired or will expire soon and you have not met the requirements for a Permanent Professional Certification, your school authority may recommend you for an extension or re-issuance. Among other documents, you will be required to submit a new Criminal Record Check that includes a Vulnerable Sector Check.

A self-disclosure form must be completed online through TWINS. There is a $25.00 fee.

Qualify for Permanent Professional Certification

When you meet all the requirements, your school authority must recommend you for Permanent Professional Certification.

Teachers cannot apply to receive Permanent Professional Certification; they must be recommended by their employing school authority. A school authority is required to recommend a teacher for Permanent Professional Certification if a teacher working for them has successfully met requirements in the Certification of Teachers and Teacher Leaders Regulation.

To be eligible for Permanent Professional Certification, you must:

  • have 2 years of full-time teaching (approximately 400 days equivalent) in an Alberta accredited school while holding valid Interim Professional Certification
  • received 2 successful, formal evaluations based on the knowledge, skills and attributes for permanent certification outlined in the Teaching Quality Standard
  • pay the $50.00 processing fee through TWINS after your school authority has recommended you for Permanent Professional Certification

Permanent Professional Certification does not expire, even if you leave the profession.


Connect with the Office of the Registrar:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-2045
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-422-4199
Email: [email protected]

Mailing address:
The Registrar at Alberta Education
2nd floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
10044 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6

The office is currently closed to the public. Email [email protected] if you have any questions about document submission.