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Special Needs Assistance for Seniors

Seniors with low-income can get financial assistance to help afford the cost of appliances and specific health and personal supports.

Online services

Make a request online: you can use your MyAlberta Seniors account to provide your Special Needs Assistance for Seniors claims and review your claims history online. This is the fastest option for processing claims and provides you access to benefits without paper documents. MyAlberta Seniors Account is a free and secure way to access various online government services. Create your account.

Provide documents online: this online option is the easiest way to send your claims, receipts, estimates and updated information to the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program.

Important dates

The benefit year for the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program starts July 1 of one year and ends June 30 of the following year.


To be eligible for this program you must:

  • be 65 years of age or older
  • be an Alberta resident
  • be a Canadian citizen or have been lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence
  • meet financial eligibility criteria
  • have provided a Seniors Financial Assistance application

If you or your spouse, or both, have deferred receiving the Old Age Security pension, you are not eligible for Special Needs Assistance for Seniors.

Any expenses you have before your 65th birthday are not eligible for funding. Special Needs Assistance for Seniors does not help with individuals under 65 years of age, including spouses, dependent children and grandchildren.

Income levels for assistance

The maximum assistance available in a benefit year is $5,756. The amount you may be eligible to receive is determined by:

  • your accommodation category
  • your marital or cohabitation status
  • your income – combined with your spouse/partner's income

In general, a single senior with a total annual income of $33,410 or less, or a senior couple with a total combined annual income of $54,640 or less, may be eligible to receive assistance.

Your (and your spouse or partner’s) total income, line 15000 of your previous year’s income tax return(s), is used to determine your eligibility for the current year’s benefits.

Eligible items are funded at primary or secondary income levels.

Marital statusAnnual total incomeFunding level
Single senior$29,010 or lessPrimary and secondary items
$29,011 to $33,410Primary items only
Over $33,410No funding
Senior couple$46,440 or lessPrimary and secondary items
$46,441 to $54,640Primary items only
Over $54,640No funding

Eligible items

Special Needs Assistance for Seniors considers specific items that fall into one of the following 3 categories:

  • health supports
  • personal supports
  • appliances or furniture

Your income level determines whether you are eligible for primary or secondary items.

Note: A receipt or estimate of costs is required for all requests, unless otherwise indicated.

Health supports

Personal supports

Appliances and furniture

Special circumstances

Special circumstances may affect the assessment of your Special Needs Assistance for Seniors request.

Seniors living in a continuing care home

If you are a senior couple who have been involuntarily separated for health reasons and one of you is residing in a continuing care home, the Alberta Seniors Benefit program may provide additional support. Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program may also take into consideration that you are maintaining two residences.

If you live in a continuing care home, Special Needs Assistance for Seniors will deduct any Supplementary Accommodation Benefit claimed on your income tax return before calculating your eligibility for assistance.


Estates of a deceased senior may be eligible to receive reimbursement for expenses that a senior incurred prior to his or her death. The request must be received within 3 months of the date of death to be considered.

How to make a claim

To make a claim you must first be enrolled in the seniors financial assistance programs.

If you have already completed this application form, there is no need to apply again.

You will not be eligible for any item purchased prior to your enrollment in the seniors financial assistance programs.

Step 1: Review the information booklet

Step 2: Get a receipt or estimate for requested items

Send a receipt or estimate for each of the items requested. Ensure the receipt or estimate includes your:

  • full name (please print)
  • Personal Health Number
  • address
  • phone number

You may use the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors request form when providing your receipt or estimate, but it is not necessary to make a claim.

Step 3: Include supporting documents

Some funded items need medical notes. Unless otherwise specified, a health professional includes:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • registered nurses
  • registered social workers
  • physical therapists
  • occupational therapists working in the field of health care

Step 4: Review dates

The program can accept a receipt for an item that was bought up to 12 months prior to the date it was received. The date of the receipt is compared to the date we receive your claim.

You must have been eligible to make a claim when the item was purchased.

Step 5: Use one of the following options to start your claim

Make a request online

Use your MyAlberta Seniors account to make your Special Needs Assistance for Seniors claims and review your claims history online. To make a claim or to create a MyAlberta Seniors account, click on the link below and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Provide your SNA claim online

After review, the SNA program will send you a letter advising of your eligibility.

Online requests to the SNA program are voluntary. If you prefer, you may continue to request assistance using mail, fax and in-person options.

Send estimates, receipts or documents to the program

Submit documents online

Fax to 780-422-5954

Mail to:

Special Needs Assistance for Seniors
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4W3

After you make a claim

We will review your request and contact you by mail regarding the outcome.

You may be contacted for additional information. If additional information is requested and not provided, the request will be assessed with the information on hand. The file may be closed if the missing information is critical to making a decision.

If you provided an estimate to SNA and have received funding, you may be asked to send in receipts showing that you purchased and paid for the items. Keep all receipts for funded items for at least 2 years from the date of purchase.

If you do not spend the money on approved items, you may be asked to return the funding.

If you do not send in a receipt, or return the funding, you will not be eligible for assistance in the future.


To request an explanation or review of the information used to determine your eligibility for the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre

Toll free: 1-877-644-9992

You may appeal a decision regarding your request for assistance.

Step 1. Write a letter of appeal

Send information and supporting documentation that will assist with the review of your file to:

Director, Seniors Financial Assistance
Special Needs Assistance for Seniors
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4W3

Or you may upload your letter online at or send by fax to: 780-422-5954

The director will review your personal circumstances under the legislation and regulations governing the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program, including section 8.2 Necessities Benefit of the Seniors Benefit Act General Regulation, if relevant. In addition to age, type of residence, financial resources available through other programs, and level of income, the director will consider whether a one-time Necessities Benefit contributes to:

  • the health or safety of the senior
  • the senior's ability to maintain independence in their home and community
  • relief from financial hardship caused by unexpected or cumulative costs that are not covered under other programs
  • a marked improvement in the senior's quality of life

You will receive a letter notifying you of the director's decision, the legislative authority under which the decision is made, the evidence considered and the reasons for the decision.

Step 2. Request a final review

If your concern is not resolved, request a final review by writing to:

Assistant Deputy Minister
Seniors Division
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3

Or you may upload your letter online at or send by fax to: 780-422-5954

Step 3. Complete a Notice of Appeal form

Once Step 2 is complete, a Notice of Appeal form will be mailed to you. Follow the instructions provided with the form.


Connect with the Alberta Supports Contact Centre:

Hours: 7:30 am to 8 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992
Fax: 780-422-5954

Special Needs Assistance for Seniors
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4W3
