Records, registry, connections

Adult adoptees, birth parents, birth family members and adoptive parents can access Alberta adoption records and other services.

Amendments to legislation will improve access to adoption information for adult adoptees, birth parents and siblings.

Read more about time sensitive changes that could affect adult adoptees and birth parents.

Read more about changes to Records, Registry and Connections.


Records, Registry and Connections maintains Alberta adoption records that date back to the 1920s and provides information and services related to all adoptions granted in Alberta to adult adoptees, descendants of deceased adoptees, birth parents, birth family members and adoptive parents.

Adoption records

Adoption records include a variety of documents, including identifying and non-identifying information. An adult adoptee, descendant of deceased adoptee, birth parent or birth family member can request information from the adoption record or submit a contact preference.

Foster care records

If an individual is over 18 years of age and was in foster care at any point during their childhood, they can make a request for their foster care records.

Reunion services

Adoptees, descendants of deceased adoptees, adoptive parents on behalf of a minor adoptee or birth family members may submit an Application for Voluntary Contact to show interest in an adoption reunion service.

Exchange information

Apply to exchange photos, letters and cards between an adoptive parent on behalf of a minor adoptee and birth family members.

Exchange information between adoptive parents and birth families

Medical information

If there is a medical concern like a hereditary disease, we can contact the appropriate parties in order to share genetic health information or to help get birth family medical information.

A health professional must complete a form confirming the diagnosis and the severity of the medical condition. For example, is it hereditary, life threatening and would it be in the best interest of the adoptee/birth family member to be advised of the condition? You can get this form by contacting our office.

An adoptive parent who needs their child assessed by a health professional or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) clinic or an adult adoptee requiring an assessment can have the clinic contact our office to request information on the adoptee's birth family background and health.

Registered Indigenous Status/Metis Citizenship

To determine whether an adoptee is entitled to Registered Indigenous Status or Metis Citizenship.

Alberta adult adoption

Information is available for an adult wishing to adopt another adult.

Other services

The Registry may also be able to provide the following:

  • Sibling Registry
  • birth family information
  • adult adoption application kit
  • assistance regarding the beneficiary of an estate
  • assistance with the Maintenance Enforcement Program
  • copy of an Adoption Order


You may be eligible for services if you are:

  • an adult adoptee 18 years of age or older
  • an adoptee 16 to 18 years of age who is living independently
  • an adoptive parent of an adoptee who is under the age of 18
  • a birth parent of an adoptee
  • a descendant of a deceased adoptee
  • a birth sibling of an adoptee
  • an extended birth family member of an adoptee
  • a member of the same Indian Band or Metis Settlement


There are no fees for any of the services.  An individual may apply for more than one service at a time.


Connect with Records, Registry and Connections:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-6387
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)