Online learning
Adoption matters - Social media
Offered by the Adoption Council of Ontario, this webinar will help adoptive families prepare for and navigate through challenges of openness, privacy and, in some cases security for their children within the realities of the age of internet and social media.
How to find your biological family in Alberta
BearPaw Legal Education (a Department of Native Counselling Services of Alberta) has developed a publication on how to find your biological family in Alberta. To access the publication at no cost, contact Native Counselling Services of Alberta or go to their website.
An Alberta podcast
A podcast where adoptees are interviewed from around the world about their adoption experiences, navigating reunion, secondary rejection, etc. The podcast also conducts interviews with therapists who are experts (and adoptees!) about working through adoptee-related issues.
An Alberta podcast website.
Alberta adult adoptees support group
This Edmonton adoptees-only peer support group meets monthly. People can contact them through their facebook page to find meeting places and dates. They also have a private facebook group for adoptees in the area looking for support.
British Columbia
Forget Me Not Family Society
The Forget Me Not Family Society is a non-profit adoption reunion support organization located in the Greater Vancouver Area of B.C.
Origins Canada
Origins Canada is a Federal Non-Profit organization providing support for people separated by adoption.
Canadian Council of Natural Mothers
The Canadian Council of Natural Mothers (CCNM) provides:
- support services for people separated by adoption
- discussion groups
- library of adoption related books
- search tips and links across Canada and International membership
Adoption Council of Canada
The Adoption Council of Canada (ACC) is the umbrella organization for adoption in Canada. Based in Ottawa, the ACC raises public awareness of adoption, promotes placement of waiting children and stresses the importance of post-adoption services.