Adoption reunion services

Reunions can be facilitated between the adoptee or a descendant/family member of a deceased adoptee and a birth family member.

Amendments to legislation will improve access to adoption information for adult adoptees, birth parents and siblings.

Read more about time sensitive changes that could affect adult adoptees and birth parents.

Read more about changes to Records, Registry and Connections.


If you are an adult adoptee, a descendant or family member of a deceased adoptee or a birth family member, you can submit an Application for Voluntary Contact to show you’re making yourself available for a reunion.

If both the adult adoptee or descendant and birth family member voluntarily register for a reunion, Records, Registry and Connections can facilitate a reunion.

Registry staff facilitate a reunion by sharing basic information with each party. Staff will help you determine what type of contact you may wish to start with, such as emails or phone calls. Reunions proceed at a pace that each individual is comfortable with, respecting the privacy and wishes of each party.


You can register for Voluntary Contact if you are:

  • an adult adopted person
  • an adopted person 16 to 18 years of age who is living independently
  • an adult descendant of a deceased adopted person (a child or grandchild of the adopted person)
  • an adoptive parent or guardian on behalf of a minor adoptee or a deceased adoptee
  • a birth parent
  • adoptive parents and adoptive siblings if the adoptee is deceased
  • a former adoptive parent
  • a birth sibling
  • an adult interested person, who is a blood relative of the adopted person (grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin), or a member of the same Indian Band or Metis Settlement

How to apply

Step 1. Complete the form

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If you are:

  • an adopted person
  • an adoptive parent/guardian of a minor adopted person
  • a descendant of a deceased adopted person

Fill out the Adopted Person/Adoptive Parent Application.

If you are:

  • a birth parent
  • a birth sibling
  • an adult interested person (grandparent, cousin, aunt/uncle, Band Member)

Fill out the Family Application for Voluntary Contact.

You can download the form or request it by calling our office.

Step 2. Photocopy 2 pieces of identification

A photocopy of 2 pieces of identification must be provided for each applicant, one of which is photo identification.  If you are not sure whether your ID meets requirements, contact our office.

Step 3. Submit the form and photocopies of identification

You can mail, email or fax the form and photocopies of your identification.

Records, Registry and Connections
10th Floor, Sterling Place
9940 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2N2

Fax: 780‑427‑2048

After you apply

Once your application has been received and processed you will be advised in writing as to whether or not another person has also registered for contact.

Reunion stories

Anne and Margie

Anne’s story:


September is a very special month as it marks the time that 2 sisters were united for the first time.

In September 2011 after much help through Alberta Records, Registry and Connections, we spoke to each other for the first time. It was overwhelming, amazing, scary and unbelievable all wrapped up together. There were many emotions and the culmination of 17 months of searching and encouragement through the Registry. An innocent email I received the previous year had asked the question, what ever happened to my sister? Since I grew up an only child, learning that I had a sister came as a shock was an understatement. During the next 17 months, I worked every day on some aspect of the search. People say I was tireless but to me it seemed just what anyone would do with such a gift.

Adoption is such a multi-faceted topic and we have learned so much along the way. Our reunion has been one of joy, one of learning to trust the love and one of learning to BELIEVE!

Margie’s story:

Anne is my angel who I have grown to love and respect a lot. After three years of weekly phone calls and several visits, I am no longer suspicious that she will abandon me. I grew up in a dysfunctional family that deserted me when I turned 17. I experienced daily abuse so meeting Anne at 61 and being welcomed into her loving family proved difficult for me to bear at times. I wrote angry letters to test her love (even talking on the phone proved scary at first.) Despite my “push pull attitude”, Anne stayed the course showing patience, kindness and infinite love. “My love is unconditional she’d say.” We’ve been united with our brother and we grow closer each day. We get on like a house on fire! This September we had a reunion at my sister’s home where I met my gorgeous, sweet-spirited brother-in-law Ross, nephew Anthony (so handsome and gregarious) and his devoted unconventional family.

Families come in all shapes, sizes and descriptions. My family has taught me a lot about the healing effects of love on the human psyche. This reunion has afforded many special memories that I shall keep close to my heart.

If you are reading this and have embarked on your own search or are about to, we wish you much success and happiness.

Margie & Anne

Michael, Karen and Bruce


Adoptee Michael, Birth Mother Karen and Birth Brother Bruce
Reunited in January 2012

January 2012, I (Karen) got a phone call from Fran telling me my son was searching for me. I’d waited 45 years for this phone call and was practically speechless at first, then happy tears. Four days later we met in person. Since then we’ve been communicating regularly and see each other when we can.

I (Michael) didn’t know I was adopted until Sept 2011 and soon after began my search. Because Karen had registered with the Post Adoption Agency in 2005 with hopes of being reunited, the ability for us to be connected was possible and through the Agency our match was made.

Michael and I celebrated our birthdays together this year, which was so special for me after thinking I’d never see him.

We are so happy to be in each other’s lives now. This experience has been very positive for both of us.

Michael and half-brother Bruce along with their families have met, and my boys hope to get together again soon – not easy with both raising families and living in different cities. But they too have made a connection and like spending time together. Mama’s very happy – love my boys!

Through our reunions, Fran has been there for our family offering helpful advice and direction.

Fran, your patience, kindness, and assistance has been and is still much appreciated.

Karen and Michael


Connect with Records, Registry and Connections:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-6387
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)