
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

PDD – Resources

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) publications, forms and resources for eligible adults, their families and service providers.


Planning supports

Family Managed Services

Safety tips


We will be doing periodic reviews of documentation that Family Managed Services administrators are asked to keep (such as receipts) under the Financial Administration Act. To make record-keeping easier for you, we have prepared these tools:

If you have any questions, ask the financial administration staff in the PDD program.

Legislation, policies, guidelines


2016 Family Survey Provincial Report – The PDD program surveys parents and guardians every 2 years about satisfaction and outcomes to track performance and inform planning.

Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) and Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) 2016 Family/Guardian Survey – Infographics showing key findings and highlights from the FSCD and PDD 2016 Family Survey