Who provides services
Your Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) worker will help you with plans to get services that meet your needs and goals. Depending on your situation, your supports may come from one or more of these service providers:
- agencies or individuals specializing in helping people with disabilities
- the PDD program
- other provincial programs such as Alberta Aids to Daily Living or Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
- community services such as recreation programs
Your PDD worker will also help you and your family or guardian decide how to access these services.
How to access services
There are 2 options for accessing services through the PDD program. You can choose one option or both. It is also possible to change options. The type and amount of services are based on your needs. If your needs change, your services can change at any time.
The 2 options include:
Family Managed Services
This option allows you to hire your own staff to provide some or all of your services. When you pick this option, either you or your family, your legal guardian, or a close friend sign a Family Managed Service (FMS) Agreement with the PDD program. The person who signs the agreement becomes an FMS Administrator and is part of your support team. They are not paid for this job.
The FMS Administrator has many responsibilities, including:
- creating an Individual Support Plan with you and your support team (for example, family, friends, etc.), your PDD worker, and staff or agencies you are receiving services from
- hiring, training and supervising staff to provide your supports
- being a good employer by:
- following Alberta’s employment standards and the Workers’ Compensation Act
- keeping business records for 7 years
- paying for approved services then submitting expenses through the PDD Online Claims Reimbursement portal or to the local Disability Services office within 10 days after month-end
Important notice
You need an Alberta.ca Account to access the Online Claims Reimbursement (OCR) portal. If you already have an Alberta.ca Account, enter your account username and password. If you need assistance setting up an Alberta.ca Account, visit Contact us.
- taking part in information sessions or training when asked by the PDD program such as the Abuse Prevention and Response Protocols to know how to stay safe
- staying in contact with your PDD worker in person, by phone or email and:
- telling them how things are going with your plans
- getting help finding solutions when your needs change
There are PDD resources available if you want to learn more about FMS and decide if it is right for you.
When you choose this option, your PDD worker will help you choose one or more agencies to meet your needs. These agencies will work with you, your PDD worker, and your support team to:
- create your Individual Support Plan
- review the PDD Outcome Plan your PDD worker created with you and your Individual Support Plan
- change any services to meet your needs