Alberta’s portion of the regular funding is divided between minority-language francophone education and French second-language instruction, and each of those respective portions is divided between Education and Advanced Education. The resources below provide more information about Education’s portion of regular Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP) funding in Alberta.
- The overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2024-2025 illustrates funding from the federal government to school authorities.
- Funding manual for school authorities contains information on how Alberta distributes OLEP FTE Student Funding.
- What We Heard – Summary of the ECS to Grade 12 French Second-Language Consultations from October, 2023, provides a report on stakeholder feedback regarding proposed initiatives for Alberta’s next action plan.
- What We Heard – Summary of the ECS to Grade 12 French Second-Language Consultations from February, 2023 provides a report on key outcomes from engagement opportunities related to Alberta’s next action plan.
OLEP Overview and Update Webinar from October 30, 2024 provides an overview of OLEP in Alberta.
New Alberta Action Plan French Second-Language Consultation Webinar #2 from October 18, 2023 is a follow-up to the consultations held in February 2023. Draft initiatives for the next OLEP action plan, set to take effect in April 2024, were presented for discussion and feedback.
ECS to Grade 12 French Second-Language Consultation Webinar #1 from February 27, 2023 provides a brief overview of the current action plan components and potential initiatives for Alberta’s next action plan, which is set to take effect in April 2024.
French minority-language education initiatives
French second-language instruction initiatives
French second-language hub projects
The aim of funding for French second-language hub projects is to provide opportunities for collaboration leading to regional or provincial advancement and/or enrichment of French-language instruction.
Eligible Kindergarten to Grade 12 OLEP funding recipients offering French immersion programming and/or French as a Second Language courses can apply for hub projects that:
- seek to advance and/or enhance French language instruction
- extend beyond the regular operations of the school authority/organization
- have an impact beyond the lead school authority/organization
- include active input and collaboration from multiple school authorities, and
- occur between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2028
The deadline for 2024/25 to 2027/28 hub project funding was March 15, 2024. Projects can be one to 4 years long and may occur between 2024/25 and 2027/28. Calls for proposals take place every 2 years, so there will be another opportunity for eligible funding recipients to apply in January 2026.
How to apply
Note: The deadline for 2024/25 to 2027/28 hub project funding was March 15, 2024. Calls for proposals take place every 2 years, so there will be another opportunity for eligible funding recipients to apply in January 2026.
Step 1. Read the guide
Applicant Guide for Hub Project Funding 2024/25 to 2027/28
Step 2. Fill out the form
Hub Project Funding Application Form
Step 3. Submit the form
Email the completed form to [email protected].
Current projects receiving funding
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2023-2024 – Second Amendment
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2023-2024 - Amendment
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2023-2024
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2022-2023 – Second Amendment
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2022-2023 – Amendment
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2022-2023
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2021-2022 – Amendment
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2021-2022
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2020-2021
- Overview of how Alberta distributes regular OLEP funding for 2019-2020
Connect with the Alberta Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP) office:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-2940
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]