Office of the Provincial Apiculturist

Alberta’s Provincial Apiculturist and the Bee Health Assurance Team provide services that support honey bee health.


The Bee Act – in conjunction with its regulation – forms the framework for regulating the health of Alberta’s beekeeping industry through registration, inspections, and movement of bees and used bee equipment. The Office of the Provincial Apiculturist administers the Act and regulation to respond quickly to threats of disease outbreaks and other emergencies that could affect honey bee health in Alberta.


In administering the Bee Act and its regulation, our responsibilities include:

  • beekeeper registration
  • inspection services that include:
    • permits for interprovincial movement of bees, queens and used equipment
    • bee health diagnosis
    • honey bee colony and equipment inspections
    • abandoned equipment or colony inspections

Provincial Apiculturist

Photo of Samantha Muirhead, Provincial Apiculturist

Samantha Muirhead, Provincial Apiculturist

Born and raised in Alberta, Samantha graduated from the University of Alberta in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science – Specialization in Animal Biology. Throughout her degree, she developed a keen interest for everything insect and parasite related. In 2004, the Alberta government hired her to work with her favorite insect as an apiculture research assistant.

Since then, she has been a part of countless research projects and surveillance programs aimed at bee health in Alberta. Projects ranged from Nosema control methods, to Varroa mite treatments, to supplementary feeding and honey quality. She also worked as an apiculture inspector for the province, ran her own colonies for a number of years, and supervised the Bee Health Assurance Team until 2019 when she became the Provincial Apiculturist for Alberta.


See our Honey Bee Pests and Diseases guide for information on honey bee health in Alberta.

View all apiculture resources.


Connect with the Office of the Provincial Apiculturist:

Hours: 8 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-8746
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-422-6096

Mailing address:
Bee Health Assurance Team
Crop Diversification Centre North
17507 Fort Road NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5Y 6H3
