Inspection and Investigation Section

Ensures compliance of legislation that contributes to food safety, animal health and welfare, public health and market access.


The Alberta government supports agricultural sustainability through an effective and efficient legislative framework. The Inspection and Investigation Section (IIS) ensures compliance of assigned legislation that contributes to food safety, animal health and welfare, public health and market access. It does so through the consistent application of Agriculture’s Compliance Principles.

To achieve compliance, the IIS establishes standards, conducts inspections of various facilities, and receives complaints from the public regarding matters requiring investigation. The section works closely with producers, industry associations, agencies and other governments to develop legislative reviews, ensuring they are relevant, reflect current technology, and practices.

The IIS also helps ensure Alberta remains rat free through the Rat Control Program, under the authority of the Agricultural Pests Act and Pest and Nuisance Control Regulation. See Responsibilities below for all programs administered by this section.


Assigned legislation

The IIS is responsible for enforcing the following acts and regulations:

ActApplicable regulations
Agricultural Pests ActPest and Nuisance Control Regulation
Animal Health Act
  • Authorized Medicine Sales Regulation
  • Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation
  • Livestock Market Regulation
Animal Keepers Act 
Dairy Industry ActDairy Industry Regulation
Feeder Associations Guarantee ActFeeder Associations Guarantee Regulation
Fur Farms ActFur Farms Regulation
Line Fence Act 
Livestock and Livestock Products ActPurchase and Sale of Eggs and Processed Egg Regulation
Livestock Industry Diversification ActDomestic Cervid Industry Regulation

Related legislation

In addition to enforcing the assigned legislation above, the IIS assists with the compliance and enforcement of legislation assigned to other branches within agriculture.

Meat Inspection ActMeat Inspection Regulation
Animal Health Act

Swine Traceability Regulation

Assists the Chief Provincial Veterinarian

Bee ActAssists the Provincial Apiculturist
Farm Implement and Dealership ActAssists the Farmers' Advocate Office


The section is responsible for the enforcement of the legislation listed above. Compliance and enforcement comes by way of routine inspections of licensed facilities or through investigations.

Licensing Unit – this unit issues licenses, permits and renewal notices, tracks licence and permit fee collections and deposits, and administers the Cervid Farming System.

Inspections and Investigations – routine inspections are conducted at regular intervals, as well as follow-up inspections if a facility does not meet regulatory standards. Investigations are conducted for functions that fall outside routine and follow-up inspections, as well as some of the section’s programs, including reviewing complaints from the general public, department staff, other government agencies, and industry stakeholders.


The IIS is responsible for the administration of several programs that play a crucial role in Alberta’s agriculture industry:


For general inquiries, to make a complaint, or to reach an Inspector or Investigator, contact the main IIS office at:

Phone: 1-866-252-6403

To report a rat or wild boar sighting:
