Honey bee inspection services

Get help with honey bee health diagnosis, reporting abandoned equipment or colonies, and other services.

If you suspect your colonies may have American Foulbrood (AFB), European Foulbrood (EFB) or Small Hive Beetle (SHB), report it to the Provincial Apiculturist.


Inspections are necessary to prevent or control the spread of communicable honey bee diseases and pests. All inspections are administered in accordance with the Bee Act and its Regulation, which form the framework to regulate Alberta’s honey beekeeping industry. This legislation puts in place necessary systems to respond quickly when there are threats of disease, pest outbreaks or other emergencies that could affect honey bee health. As such, it requires anyone who owns honey bees or beekeeping equipment to register with the Provincial Apiculturist, and keep all registration information up to date.

Alberta Inspection Data

Inspection data is collected and summarized to see if there are localized issues or trends in different areas. To see summaries of our annual mandated and surveillance inspections see below:

Request for services

It can take up to 3 weeks from the time you book an inspection until your inspection date. If you are planning on selling or moving bees, please contact our office as soon as possible to schedule your inspection.

Beekeepers requesting scheduled inspections will receive a confirmation email with the date and time along with this guide: What to expect when inspecting: honey bee colony inspections and results.

Beekeepers can submit any additional documents needed for a service to [email protected].

ServiceDescriptionAccess services
Movement of bees/queens/used equipmentBees, queens and/or used equipment moving across provincial borders are required to be inspected and carry the proper documentation during transport.Movement of bees and equipment
Honey bee health diagnosisThere are many challenges to keeping healthy bees, including numerous pests and pathogens. Most of these can be easily spread and difficult to diagnose. If you are unsure of what has caused colony mortality, or need help diagnosing a pest or disease, refer to our Bee Health app (it’s free!) or our Honey Bee Pests and Diseases guide.

If you still need help, email us a service request. Our Bee Health Assurance Team will work with you to determine a diagnosis, and inspectors will be sent to your colonies if required.
Bee Health app for Android and iPhone

Honey Bee Pests and Diseases guide

Request for Service – Bee Health Diagnosis
Abandoned equipment or coloniesAbandoned colonies or beekeeping equipment may harbour honey bee diseases and/or pests. To report abandoned equipment or colonies to the Bee Health Assurance Team, email us.Request for Service – Abandoned Equipment or Colonies


Connect with the Office of the Provincial Apiculturist:

Hours: 8 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-8746
Fax: 780-422-6096
Email: [email protected]

Mailing address:
Bee Health Assurance Team
Crop Diversification Centre North
17507 Fort Road NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5Y 6H3
