Minerals prospecting tool kit

Information related to casual or recreational prospecting using simple observational and sampling techniques for minerals in Alberta.

Prospecting tool kit

Table 1.

Summary of RequirementsAbout minerals
LegislationList of Minerals acts and regulations
Information Bulletins and LettersMinerals information bulletins and letters
Mineral Assessment Reporting ToolsMinerals exploration tool kit
Maps (updated overnight)Interactive energy maps
Mineral disposition information is available through an interactive mapping program. This program allows you to select location, scale and map features, and conduct basic searches.
Alberta Township Survey SystemIntroduction to ATS
For legal land description (meridian, township, range, section, legal subdivision).
Map Coordinates ConvertorConversion tool
Alberta Mineral Information (AMI)Search surface public land and Crown mineral disposition and activity
Information on requesting and conducting searches.
Alberta Geosciences Information

Metallic and industrial mineral assessment report searches
List of published reports available from Coal and Mineral Development.

Alberta Geological Survey (AGS)
Buy or view public geoscience information such as AGS geoscience reports, geology maps and drill core samples.

Other ResourcesMinerals placer mining tool kit
Minerals ammonite shell tool kit


Table 2.

Prospect With or Without
Crown Mineral Rights
Limited prospecting and geophysical surveying is permitted if mineral rights are available and there will be no significant disturbance. Obtain consent from any surface or subsurface leaseholder or landowner. As a safety precaution, inform the local forestry or public lands office of your presence and purpose on Crown Land. Ammonite shell collecting, placer mining and recreational gold panning are not considered prospecting activities in Alberta.
Prospect with Crown Mineral RightsApply to Coal and Mineral Development, Alberta Energy and Minerals for a Crown Rock-hosted Minerals Permit in a specified area. Use the Exploration tool kit. Contact Land Administration, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, for approval to use mechanized equipment and/or disturb land surface during prospecting. Meet work expenditure and assessment reporting requirements to maintain Rock-hosted Minerals Permit.


Connect with the Coal and Mineral Development Unit:

Hours: 8:15 am to noon and 1 pm to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-7707
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]


Alberta Energy and Minerals
Coal and Mineral Development Unit
North Petroleum Plaza
9945 108 Street *
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2G6

* Couriers, please report to the 2nd floor.

Calgary (drop-off location only)

Alberta Energy and Minerals
300, 801 6 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta  T2P 3W2