If you have recently moved to Alberta, you are eligible for health care coverage on the date you establish residency.
Before you arrive
Learn about Alberta’s climate, geography, people and economy.
Find potential affordable housing options that may suit your situation. Information on accessing emergency shelters can also be found if there is an immediate need for temporary housing when facing family violence, domestic violence or homelessness. Discover what housing options may be available to you.
Housing options for families, seniors, and individuals with special needs, and building constructions standards for affordable housing.
Use the comparison tool to help make an informed decision when selecting a water, natural gas or electricity provider.
Military spousal employment network
Military Family Services provides supports through the Military Spousal Employment Network.
Information about licensing and certification for regulated professions. Some common regulated professions are: nursing, teaching, and trades.
Provides employment placement services for ill and injured veterans, medical releases, reservists and family members of serving personnel.
Use the look up tool or call Child Care Connect and explore subsidy options.
Learn about the early childhood services programming available for families with young children.
Learn about Alberta's kindergarten to grade 12 education system and how to choose a school.
Information on francophone education, French immersion, and French-as-a-second language programming.
Military Family Services offer supports related to the education of dependent children of CAF members. This includes guidance counsellor services to facilitate transitions between different school systems.
High school equivalencies – Learn about how Alberta’s schools determine course equivalents from out-of-province high school programs.
- Students entering an Alberta-accredited senior high school program from outside Alberta or Alberta students completing courses with a different province/territory should submit
transcripts, or other official statements of previous standing in senior secondary coursework, to the school they plan to attend. - The principal is to evaluate these documents in relation to approved senior high school courses.
- For courses the student has been evaluated as passing, credits may be awarded or, if no equivalent Alberta approved senior high school course is available, unassigned credits may be awarded.
Post-Secondary Transfers – Learn how to transfer credits for your post-secondary studies
between programs and institutions.- Each post-secondary institution has its own admission and transfer processes and criteria. Students are encouraged to confirm details with the program area at the specific institution they wish to attend.
- Alberta post-secondary institutions will generally accept Alberta students’ final percentage grades reported as official marks on Alberta Education high school transcripts (Alberta
Transcript of High School Achievement). Students from outside Alberta requesting
admission into an Alberta post-secondary institution will generally be evaluated based on their final official transcripts and other applicable factors including out-of-province
equivalencies for admissions purposes. - Students may submit their final percentage grades on both their official out-of-province and Alberta high school transcripts for consideration during the admissions process. Grades of “P” on a transcript are generally not evaluated for admissions purposes.
- More information regarding institution admissions and transfers can be found on Transfer Alberta.
- Alex Decoteau Award of Honour
Government of Alberta award of $5,000 for CAF members, veterans, and their families to pursue post-secondary education.
- Students entering an Alberta-accredited senior high school program from outside Alberta or Alberta students completing courses with a different province/territory should submit
When you arrive
Family members accompanying an armed forces member to Alberta must exchange their previous province, state or country driver’s licence within 90 days of taking up residency in Alberta.
You must register your vehicle in Alberta within 90 days of arrival if you are staying for more than 183 days.
Support our Troops licence plate
Apply for a Support our Troops or Veterans licence plate when you register your vehicle.
Reports on road conditions, construction, major incidents and weather alerts that could affect travel on Alberta highways.
Find a doctor in Alberta or locate a Primary Care Network health care team that is right for you.
Register for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan
Family members who have recently moved to Alberta are eligible for Alberta health care on the date they establish residency (meaning they are in Alberta, and have a permanent address in Alberta). Family members should apply for an Alberta health care card within 3 months of arriving, if they will be living in Alberta for 12 months or longer. Once issued, health care cards are effective immediately. Please note the waiting period for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan coverage is waived for military families moving to Alberta.
Get information on health care facilities, health benefits, services and drug coverage.
Operational Stress Injury Services
Get help for addiction or mental health concerns from an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals.
Find family and social supports
Contact an Alberta Supports Centre to find and apply for more than 30 programs and 120 community services.
Find out how to get a qualified service dog for post-traumatic stress disorder or other disability.
Get a service dog identification card
Find out how to get a free ID card for your qualified service dog or how to get your service dog assessed.
Find financial assistance, health benefits, daily living and housing supports for people with disabilities.
Help for individuals, families and children affected by or at risk of family violence, bullying, abuse, exploitation or homelessness.
Find emergency supports if you are experiencing violence in a relationship and find supports to prevent and address family violence.
Find financial assistance programs, affordable housing and job loss supports for people in need.
While you are here
The Veteran-Friendly Campus, supported by Alberta Advanced Education, is intended to assist with developing an integrated support system on campus to help veterans transition into their student careers by offering academic, social and mental health services specific to their needs, and enable the post-secondary environment to be more responsive to veterans.
Nonprofit organization that provides support services to veterans in need across Canada.
Offers a variety of different programs for veterans and their families with service branches across the province.
Creates villages for veterans that consist of 15-25 tiny homes arranged in a park-like setting. There is a veterans village located in Edmonton and in Calgary.
Veteran’s Association Food Bank – offers support at their Calgary location and their Edmonton location.
Heroes in Mind, Advocacy and Research Consortium (HiMARC)
Conducts research projects and program evaluations to support veterans who have mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their service.
No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation
Works to honour the sacrifice and service of Canada’s military by educating students and placing poppies on the headstones of veterans every November.
Information and support regarding medical cannabis for veterans.
Mental health service provider designed specifically to support the needs of Veterans and their families.
Official charitable cause of the Canadian Armed forces.
Enjoy the great outdoors at Alberta's provincial parks and recreation areas.
Visit museums and historic sites
Get free admission to Alberta's museums and historic sites with your CFOne Card.
Birth and adoption, death, divorce and separation, marriage, legal name changes, registry services, and ordering and updating documents.
Emergency alerts and preparedness
Sign up for Alberta Emergency Alerts and learn how to make an emergency plan and a 72-hour emergency kit.
Legal procedures and assistance
Get information on common legal procedures including family law, restraining and protection orders, wills, estates and court hearings.
Alberta residents who are Canadian citizens and at least 18 years old can vote in the provincial election. Register with Elections Alberta.
Connect with the Alberta government’s Military Liaison to the Canadian Armed Forces:
Email: military.liaison@gov.ab.ca
Connect with us for more information on government programs or services:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-2711
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Online: Comments and feedback form -
Visit your local Alberta Military Family Resource Centre for more information on programs and services in your community: