
Non-urgent government operations are closed December 24 to January 1, reopening January 2. See the list of services available during this time.

Livestock production and air quality

Information resources to help Alberta farmers minimize airborne emissions from livestock operations.


Livestock operations can produce airborne emissions such as ammonia, dust and odour. Once airborne, these can have undesirable impacts on the health or well-being of humans (for example, farmers, farm workers, neighbours or nearby communities), ecosystems (for example, native plants and animals, water quality), or both.

Alberta government, livestock farmers, rural municipalities and other stakeholders work together to develop and enhance sustainable beneficial management practices (BMPs) farmers can use to protect the environment. Some of these BMPs are designed to minimize airborne emissions from livestock operations.


The resources listed here provide a starting point for Alberta farmers planning to reduce airborne emissions.




Other resources

Contact 310-FARM

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 310-FARM (3276) (in Alberta)
Phone: 403-742-7901 (outside Alberta)
Email: [email protected]

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