Sustainable agriculture
Programs and resources to help farmers, producers and operators practice sustainable agriculture.
A collection of agricultural resource maps developed as part of a 2003 Environmental Scan for Agriculture in Alberta.
By adopting practices that generate carbon offsets, farmers can earn extra income and realize long-term benefits to their farms.
Government works with industry to better understand and measure the environmental impacts of Alberta’s agri-food industry.
These environmental manuals help Alberta livestock and cropping producers reduce or eliminate environmental risk.
Information, policies, decision support tools and projects relating to biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Farmers and ranchers can take steps to lower carbon footprints while improving productivity and adaptation to Alberta’s changing climate.
Charting Alberta’s course to reduce emissions, attract investment, and grow the economy.
About on-farm energy use, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and related research projects and resources.
Decision-making tools and information for responsible resource management, policy decision-making, and agricultural land use planning.
Provides strategies to manage Alberta’s land and natural resources to achieve long-term economic, environmental, and social goals.
Farmers can increase the sustainability of their farming operations by minimizing airborne emissions such as ammonia, dust and odour.
Legislation, guidelines, tools and resources for proper manure management and nutrient stewardship.
Organizations can apply for grant funding for projects promoting the conservation and long-term sustainability of Alberta’s rangelands.
This federal-provincial partnership delivers grant programs that generate sustainable economic growth in the agricultural and agri-food sector.