How you can help prevent human trafficking

Learn how we can work together to prevent human trafficking and help people at risk.

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24-hour help

Call 911 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.

Call 211 for resources and support.

Call the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010 for resources and to report suspicions of human trafficking.


The best weapon against this crime is awareness. Human trafficking can happen to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Traffickers will prey on a victim’s vulnerabilities and make promises that often seem too good to be true. While women and Indigenous people make up the vast majority of victims, certain groups are also at increased risk. This could include:

  • children and youth living in care, or who are transitioning out of care
  • members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community
  • newcomers and migrant workers
  • people who are financially vulnerable, unemployed or homeless and who are struggling to meet basic needs
  • people fleeing abuse
  • people with mental health disorders or who have a history of trauma
  • people experiencing addictions
  • unhoused persons
  • people who are looking for a sense of belonging and acceptance.

See the signs

The signs of someone victimized by human trafficking can be hard to see. They might look like a new relationship, friendship, or a great new job for your friend or loved one. Watch for things like:

  • receiving expensive or fashionable gifts from a new person in their life
  • losing interest in their usual activities or relationships
  • purchasing cell phones, accessories, or tattoos they could not afford themselves
  • asking a new person in their life for permission before going out or doing something
  • sneaking out, breaking curfew, or not explaining being away from home, school, or work
  • not wanting to talk about injuries, pregnancies, or visits to a medical clinic
  • being unusually distant

The Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline (1-883-900-1010) is a confidential, multilingual service, operating 24/7.

Call the hotline if you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking. The hotline connects victims and survivors with social services, law enforcement and emergency services.

Talk about it

Albertans can prevent human trafficking from happening in our communities. Talk to others about human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Be aware of the signs of human trafficking and learn what we can do to help.

Talking about human trafficking can seem scary, but it is a very important step to take. Talking about it gives power to possible victims because they will know what to watch for.

Topics to start the talk:

Learn what you can do

Help prevent human trafficking through education and learning what trafficking could look like in your community. Many not-for-profit organizations offer free awareness courses:


Quick Escape