Since 2019 Alberta has been working to combat human trafficking in Alberta.
Human trafficking is a serious, and often hidden, crime that happens in every community. The 3 main types of human trafficking are sex trafficking, labour trafficking and trafficking of organs. Traffickers use threats to exploit people of all ages, ethnicities and genders.
We are committed to protecting and preventing at-risk individuals from being trafficked in Alberta. We will empower survivors of human trafficking and provide new ways to deal with traffickers. Several ministries are working together to implement the 9 Point Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking and the Alberta Human Trafficking Task Force recommendations.
Timeline – Progress to date
- The 9-Point Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking was announced.
- The Human Trafficking Task Force was formed to bring together representatives of relevant ministries, agencies, police services, survivors and community groups to share information and coordinate a response for government to consider.
- The Protecting Survivors of Human Trafficking Act was announced, which included new measures to help address human trafficking and better protect survivors.
- The task force presented their final report: The Reading Stone – The Survivor’s Lens to Human Trafficking
- Government accepted all recommendations in the Task Force’s final report, with the exception of the call to action regarding organ donor legislation (currently under review by Alberta Health).
- Government announced $ 20.8 million dollars over 4 years to implement Task Force recommendations.
- A $4 million grant was set up to work with 3 community organizations to establish an Alberta office to combat trafficking in persons.
- Government announced $3.5 million dollars in funding to support 21 community-based initiatives focused on anti-human trafficking supports and services for individuals and communities.
- Paul Brandt and Angela Adsit announced as co-chairs for the Alberta Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons. The centre will operate independently. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
Recommendation progress
- Fighting human trafficking and aiding survivors (February 22, 2024)
- Fighting human trafficking with community partners (July 28, 2023)
- Stepping up the fight against human trafficking (October 2, 2022)
- Fighting human trafficking (March 27, 2022)