On this page:
Programs and activities
The Alberta government supports heritage through a number of programs and by providing funding to heritage organizations.
Heritage Preservation Partnership Program
This Heritage Preservation Partnership Program administers the following grants and scholarships:
- Historic resource conservation grants
- Heritage awareness grants
- Publication grants
- Research grants
- Bob Etherington Heritage Conservation Fund
- Roger Soderstrom Scholarship
Organizational support
Annual funding to 6 provincial heritage organizations and the Glenbow Museum:
- Alberta Museums Association – operational funding
- Archives Society of Alberta – operational funding
- Historical Society of Alberta – operational funding
- Alberta Genealogical Society – operational funding
- Archaeological Society of Alberta – operational funding
- Francophone Historical Society – operational funding
- Glenbow Museum – to manage government-owned collections
Other activities
Other activities include:
- Alberta Heritage Markers – supports the production of heritage markers
- biennial Heritage Awards – recognizes the contributions of individuals and organizations to the preservation of Alberta’s heritage
- Alberta Geographical Names Program, which makes decisions, in agreement with the Minister, on naming geographical features in Alberta
- the hearing of representations by interested parties respecting the designation of historic resources