Gender-based violence engagement

Albertans shared their thoughts on how Alberta can end gender-based violence.


Albertans provided feedback to help inform a 10-year gender-based violence strategic plan that will guide specific investments from the national action plan to end gender-based violence and support survivors in Alberta.

The made-in-Alberta strategic plan will support and build upon efforts of the people and organizations throughout the province who are working to address this critical issue. We remain committed to ending gender-based violence so every Albertan can live free from both the fear and the experience of violence.

The 10-year gender-based violence strategic plan will complement work already underway through the Premier’s Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and the Human Trafficking Action Plan.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status and Women

Translated resources

Get informed

The National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence is a 10-year strategic framework to address gender-based violence by providing a common vision of a Canada free of gender-based violence and supporting victims, survivors and their families no matter where they live.

Alberta will receive $54 million over 4 years in funding provided by the national plan.

Learn more about the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

Input received

Online survey

Albertans shared their thoughts on how we can end gender-based violence through an online survey between October 12 and November 30, 2023.

Written submissions

Albertans had the opportunity to share research, best and promising practices, and fact-based documents on topics relevant to gender-based violence with us.

Targeted sessions

We met with gender-based violence leaders, survivors, municipalities, community organizations, Indigenous communities and other gender-based violence partners to hear thoughts on how to end gender-based violence.


Your input will help inform the 10-year strategic plan to end gender-based violence and support survivors.
