Legal procedures and assistance
Legal assistance, mediation, family law assistance, restraining orders, Alberta courts, and court procedures, notices, filings and appeals.
Tools such as a personal directive, an enduring power of attorney or a will can help plan for your future and ensure your wishes are known.
Apply for a grant to explore and develop innovative community justice initiatives.
Apply to be reimbursed for vehicle seizure costs if your Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS) has been cancelled.
Let mediators help you and the other party negotiate a resolution to your dispute instead of going to trial.
Providing a range of resolution and court supports for people involved in legal disputes.
Get an apostille to certify the authenticity of Canadian public documents for use in other countries.
People who qualify can register online for a free family mediation program.
Contact family court counsellors to get help with preparing for court, accessing the court system and resolving your parenting dispute.
Family court and mediation, family law kits, and how to respond to a Divorce Act or Family Law Act application.
Bill 28 updates property division laws to include unmarried partners and improve child support for adult children with disabilities.
A list of forms for lawyers and self-represented individuals who are dealing with family law.
Laws about separation, parentage, guardianship, parenting arrangements, child support, and adult interdependent partner and spousal support.
You can apply to place a child who is abusing drugs or alcohol in a protective safe house for up to 10 days.
How to respond to a Divorce Act Application that you’ve been served with.
How to respond to a Family Law Act Application that you’ve been served with.
Get a restraining or protection order, and how to respond if you have been served an order.
Places to get help for filling out court forms and to learn about court processes, programs and services.