Advance planning

Tools such as a personal directive, an enduring power of attorney or a will can help plan for your future and ensure your wishes are known.

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Advance planning

Every Albertan who is at least 18 years old should have:

  • a personal directive
  • an enduring power of attorney
  • a will

Serious injury or illness

If you become seriously injured or ill, you may not be able to make your own personal or financial decisions. It is important to have these listed documents prepared in advance so that you have input into your future decisions:

Personal directive

  • This is a legal document you prepare in case you cannot make your own personal decisions because of injury or illness in the future.
  • The person you choose to make decisions for you will only make them when you are no longer able.
  • Alberta Health Services has advance planning resources that compliment what is on this website. Visit their Advance Care Planning section.
  • Covenant Health Palliative Institute has advance planning information and tools to help with advance care planning. Visit their Plan Ahead section, including the My Wishes Alberta workbook which guides you to think through what matters most to you.

Enduring power of attorney

  • This is a legal document that allows someone you trust to make financial decisions for you if you are no longer capable of making them.
  • The person you choose to make decisions for you will do this when you authorize them to do so – or when you are no longer able to make decisions.

Your will

You will want your wishes to be honored and make things easier for your family, after you pass away. For this to happen, it is important to prepare a will.


  • This legal document allows you to direct where your property goes after you die.

International wills

  • This legal document may be helpful if you own assets outside of Alberta.


Advance Planning: Make sure your wishes are known