Call 911 if you believe a decision-maker is putting the adult at immediate risk.
Types of decision-makers
You may suspect an adult isn’t being properly supported by one of these types of decision-makers:
- co-decision-maker
- adult guardian
- trustee
- agent – for an enacted personal directive
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT):
- evaluates written complaints to determine if they meet the criteria for investigation
- does not have authority to investigate complaints about an attorney under a power of attorney or an informal trustee
Criteria for a complaint
To make a complaint about a decision-maker, the criteria below must be met. The OPGT may open an investigation if the decision-maker:
- is not following the court order or personal directive, or
- is not complying with their duties
- is likely to harm the assisted or represented adult physically, mentally or financially – through their action or inaction
Submit a complaint
The OPGT can only investigate the information you provide in your written complaint – and only if the complaint meets the criteria above.
Step 1. Document your complaint
Choose the form below that describes who you are complaining about.
Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.
Co-decision-maker, guardian or trustee
- Complaint Respecting a Co-decision-maker, Guardian or Trustee – Form 5
- fill out all the sections
Agent on an enacted personal directive
- Personal Directives – Complaint to the Public Guardian – Schedule 7
- fill out all the sections
- attach a copy of the personal directive and enacted documents (if available)
Make sure you sign and date the complaint. We can't accept anonymous complaints.
Step 2. Submit your complaint
Submit your complaint by mail, fax or email:
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
4th Floor, John E. Brownlee Building
10365 97 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 3ZB
Fax: 780-422-6051
After you submit a complaint
The first letter we send you:
- tells you we received your complaint, or
- might ask for more information
Our second letter will tell you our decision about your complaint. We will either:
- have your complaint investigated, or
- not investigate your complaint
If there is no investigation
The complaints officer:
- will let you know in writing the reason why
- may make suggestions to address your concerns
If there is an investigation
The investigator will:
- ensure your identity remains confidential
- make a reasonable effort to notify the other parties involved, including:
- the decision-maker the complaint is against
- the person you’re concerned about
- any other decision-makers (adult guardians, agents, trustees) for the adult
- conduct interviews with any other people who may have helpful information and review records to determine if the complaint is:
- founded, or
- unfounded
- possibly make recommendations to resolve the situation if the complaint was founded
An investigation can take several months.
After the investigation
A letter about the outcome of the investigation will be mailed to:
- the person who submitted the complaint
- the person the complaint is against
- the adult who you are concerned about
- any other decision-makers (adult guardians, agents, trustees) for the adult
- service providers directly impacted by the result of the investigation
Connect with the OPGT:
Connect with the Alberta Ombudsman for further assistance if you have a concern about the fairness of an investigation or a decision made in relation to a complaint. The Ombudsman objectively investigates complaints to determine whether a public agency, such as the OPGT, has acted fairly and reasonably, and whether their actions and decisions were consistent with relevant legislation, policies and procedures.
Phone: 1-888-455-2756
Web: Alberta Ombudsman