Alternate personal decision-making options for adults

Decision-making for adults – supported decision-making, specific decision-making, co-decision-making and reviews, guardianship and reviews.


Adults may need different levels of personal decision-making support. Different options are available to help the adult remain as independent as possible:

  • Supported decision-making – An adult with capacity can choose a trusted person to assist them with accessing information and communicating their decisions.
  • Specific decision-making – A decision for an adult who has lost the capacity to make health care and residential facility placement decisions.
  • Co-decision-making – Sharing decision-making with an adult who requires some assistance because of a loss of capacity but can make decisions with support.
  • Co-decision-making review – The court order needs to be reviewed if it is required by the court, or if a change needs to be made to the order.
  • Adult guardianship – Decisions are made on behalf of an adult who does not have capacity.
  • Adult guardianship review – The court order needs to be reviewed if it is required by the court, or if a change needs to be made to the order.