On this page, there is information and resources to support non-profit and charitable organizations find, apply for or access funding opportunities.
Capital grants
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP)
CFEP Small
CFEP Small provides financial assistance up to $125,000 to upgrade, expand, purchase or build public-use community facilities.
CFEP Large
CFEP Large provides financial assistance over $125,000 to $1 million to upgrade, expand, purchase or build public-use community facilities.
Non-capital grants
Community Initiatives Program

The Project-Based Grant program provides funding to new community-based programs, initiatives, events and publications.

The Operating Grant provides funding of ongoing core operations for non-profit organizations that address social issues.

The Cultural Heritage Initiatives Program supports non-profit organizations to preserve and share the cultural heritage of Indigenous and ethnocultural communities.
Other grants

The Other Initiatives Program provides funding for community projects that fall outside the scope of other Community Grants programs.

The Major Sport Event Grant Program provides community organizations an opportunity to build upon Alberta’s strengths for hosting national and international events.

Crowdfunding Alberta
The Crowdfunding Alberta platform is for Alberta non-profit organizations to share their ideas and seek community support.

Funding opportunities for projects in the areas of arts, culture, community, heritage, recreation, sport, and diversity and inclusion.

Information and resources to help non-profit organizations strengthen their grant applications.

Fundraising and registration resources for charitable organizations and fundraising businesses.

Search the Previous Grants Recipients database for issued grants.
Connect with us if you have questions or comments for the various non-profit programs and services. See our contact page for details.