The Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) Large provides over $125,000 to $1 million in financial assistance to upgrade, expand, purchase or build arts, cultural, heritage, recreational, sport or other related public-use community facilities.
CFEP has 2 funding streams. If you would like to apply for financial assistance under $125,000, please refer to the CFEP Small webpage.
There are two distinct program guidelines for each Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) stream: Large and Small. The guidelines on this page are for the CFEP Large only.
Program Changes
CFEP Large has new guidelines that have been revised to ensure funding best supports the needs of Alberta’s communities.
Read the CFEP Large guidelines, which includes outcomes specific to the CFEP Large: new intake dates, program criteria, eligibility, and process updates.
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Filling out the Expression of Interest (EOI) is the first stage in applying for the CFEP Large funding. Through the EOI, projects will be evaluated against CFEP Large criteria to ensure project eligibility, readiness, viability, and organizational capacity before requiring a full application.
As of April 2024, CFEP Large has moved to a 2-step application process:
- Step 1: EOI to determine the project eligibility and readiness
- Step 2: Application invite for those projects that have met the EOI criteria
There are no additional documents required with the EOI. Only applicants that move to the application process will be required to submit supporting documentation. Invitation to submit a full application does not guarantee funding.
Applicants invited to submit a full application package will be required to confirm or expand on the information provided in the EOI. Full applications are evaluated against program criteria which includes (see section 4.2 in the guidelines for detailed information on each criteria area):
- organizational capacity
- project viability and financial stability
- project benefits
- economic impact
- accessibility
- community need or urgency
- large-scale impact among other considerations
Important dates
Refer to the dates below to complete your application.
EOI deadline | Call for application | Application closing date | Notification |
May 15 | June 15 | July 30 | December |
Notification is sent by email to the contacts listed in your organization’s application.
Eligibility requirements
To ensure that the CFEP Large funding is allocated to projects that have the greatest impacts on our communities, the following eligibility criteria must be met. See section 3 in the CFEP Large Guidelines for details.
Matching Requirements
CFEP Large funding is only approved on a matching basis. The applicant must contribute an amount equal to or exceeding the grant request. See Section 5 of the CFEP Large Guidelines.
Additional information
To complete your application successfully, make sure to include all mandatory documents and learn more about the next steps after you apply.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. All decisions on grant applications are final, and no appeals will be considered.
Upcoming webinars
The following webinars are now open for registration. You may also refer to the Grant information sessions section below for a pre-recorded version of past webinars.
Topic | Date | Time | Registration link |
GATE Front Office Introduction | Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 10:00 a.m. | Click here to register for this session. |
GATE Front Office Introduction | Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 2:00 p.m. | Click here to register for this session. |
GATE Front Office Introduction | Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 10:00 a.m. | Click here to register for this session. |
CFEP Large Guideline Review | Wednesday, April 30, 2025 | 10:00 a.m. | Click here to register for this session. |
GATE Front Office Introduction | Thursday, May 1, 2025 | 2:00 p.m. | Click here to register for this session. |
The CFEP Large guidelines have been updated and the application process has changed. This video covers the updates to CFEP Large as of April 2024, including the new EOI, program criteria, and answers tips on submitting your application.
Reporting requirements
Final reporting for the project must be completed and submitted as per the grant agreement and signed by an authorized representative having legal and/or financial signing authority for the organization. Grant recipients must provide:
- A summary report that includes:
- a detailed description of the completed project
- the benefits of the completed project
- a description of communication opportunities provided for the Government of Alberta
- A review engagement and accompanying financial statements related to the project or audited financial statements that clearly shows the grant funds in revenue and the related approved expenses, prepared by a certified public accountant licensed to practice in Alberta.
Contact our accounting team at CGAccounting@gov.ab.ca about reporting requirements or project completion issues.
Connect with the Community Grants office:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-9598
Toll free: 1-800-642-3855
Email: communitygrants@gov.ab.ca