Community Development Unit services

Support and services that assist organizations to do their work in Alberta communities.


Community capacity building is about promoting the capacity of local communities to develop, implement and sustain their own solutions to problems in a way that helps them shape and exercise control over their physical, social, economic and cultural environments.

The Community Development Unit provides (no fee for service, no charge to client) customized capacity building services for non-profit, charitable organizations, social profit organizations, unincorporated collaboratives and committees to help you achieve your solutions.

Our services are available online or in-person, and are responsive, proactive and innovative.


Services offered by the Community Development Unit, and related materials, are not intended to constitute legal or professional advice, the rendering of legal concepts, consulting, or other professional services of any kind. Community Development Officers share information that may be helpful as you navigate your organization through its operations.

Customized support and services

  • Coaching

    Our experienced Community Development Officers offer support for sector leaders in applying their knowledge and skills in governing and operating social profit organizations.

    We can help you:

    • gain clarity about a challenging situation or dynamic
    • find resources to help with your unique situation
    • identify and explore options and discuss possible supports available

    Contact coaching services

    Email: [email protected]

    Call our consult line (toll free) at 310-0000 then dial 780-963-2281

  • Collaboration and partnership brokering

    Wherever you are in the partnership cycle, our experienced team can help you develop and strengthen impactful partnerships and collaborations.

    We can help you:

    • navigate difficult conversations about roles, responsibilities, and shared governance
    • design partnerships or collaboratives that work for you
    • explore who else should participate in your system-change efforts

    Request our support

  • Community and stakeholder engagement

    Our expert facilitators can help you design and run effective engagements to bring the perspectives of your community and other stakeholders into your organization’s program and service plans.

    We can help you:

    • choose the appropriate engagement approach
    • consider equity, diversity, and inclusion in your outreach and engagement
    • plan for how community input will be used and shared

    Request our support

  • Community development

    Our experienced team can support and facilitate community capacity building.

    Community capacity building is about promoting the ‘capacity’ of local communities to develop, implement and sustain their own solutions to problems in a way that helps them shape and exercise control over their physical, social, economic and cultural environments.

    We are guided in this work by principles of Community Development and can help you:

    • design community needs assessments
    • explore ways to identify assets in your community, including individuals, organizations and others
    • assist with creating plans and strategies for capitalizing on those assets

    Request our support

  • Facilitated planning

    Experienced in facilitating strategic planning, our facilitators can help your organization articulate the future you want to see. They can help you identify key leverage points and strategies to realize that vision.

    We can help you:

    • analyze your changing community context
    • articulate a shared vision
    • bring systems-thinking and human-centred approaches to your planning processes
    • develop customized strategic and organizational plans
    • consider dynamics of change and ways to support success with implementing change
    • work with other similar organizations in a multi-group format to work through the process of strategic planning together
    • this adds opportunities to network, learn from each other and compare notes

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  • Facilitation service

    Experienced, external and neutral, our facilitators can provide crucial process design expertise, as well as advice on project planning and management.

    We can help you:

    • reach agreement on a challenging or complex issue
    • collect extensive input on an idea or topic
    • design processes and conversations that are inclusive, non-biased and in a safe environment

    Request facilitation services

  • Fund development

    Our experienced team can assist your organization with a broad range of services related to fund development planning.

    We can help you:

    • navigate and find resources and supports
    • learn about grant writing
    • develop fund-development and fund-raising plans / creating strategies that are right for your organization
    • explore social enterprise and other charitable registration options

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  • Social innovation

    Our team can hold space for communities, networks, collaboratives and coalitions to enable conditions that allow them to positively change or alter their ecosystem.

    We can help you:

    • map your system and key stakeholders
    • design and run social labs
    • bring human centered and system design approaches into your planning processes
    • convene and facilitate communities of practice

    Request our support


Connect with us if you have questions or comments for the various non-profit programs and services. See our contact page for details.