Climate Technology Task Force

Led stakeholder engagement to guide Alberta’s investments in innovation and technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This engagement has been archived
Status: Completed
Ministry responsible: Economic Development, Trade and Tourism
Completed: 2016


The Climate Leadership Plan was repealed in 2019 and replaced by the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) System to reduce emissions from large industrial emitters and keep industry competitive.

As part of the Climate Leadership Plan, Alberta invested in innovation and technology to:

  • create new jobs
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • encourage a more diversified economy and energy industry
  • improve opportunities to get energy products to new markets

To help guide Alberta’s investments, a task force was created to lead stakeholder engagement and make recommendations on a Climate Change Innovation and Technology Framework.

The Climate Change Innovation and Technology Framework has been replaced by the new TIER system, which includes the TIER Economic Recovery Program, delivered by Alberta Innovates.

Engagement activities

The Climate Technology Task Force:

  • conducted targeted, regionally dispersed, invitation-only engagement sessions with knowledgeable innovation and technology stakeholders in Alberta
  • focused on the innovations and technologies that can contribute to a global low carbon economy
  • provided recommendations on specific outcomes for a Climate Change Technology Framework
  • delivered advice on how Alberta’s research and innovation system could support provincial climate change technology objectives
  • provided recommendations for how to effectively demonstrate value (economic, environmental and social) derived from long-term clean/green technology within the short and long term
  • collected submissions from Albertans through a dedicated email until Nov 30, 2016

Thank you to everyone who took the time to send in their opinions, advice and recommendations.


The task force submitted their written report in Dec 2016. It summarized the findings of the engagement and provided a recommended approach for a provincial Climate Change Innovation and Technology Framework.

Task force members

  • Gordon Lambert, Chair
  • Dr. Vic Adamowicz
  • Shelly Vermillion
  • Suzanne West
  • Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon