Caribou sub-regional task forces

Caribou sub-regional task forces are established to advise government on sub-regional planning, including caribou recovery actions.

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In August 2019, the province created caribou sub-regional task forces to advise government on land-use planning at a local scale, including caribou recovery actions. Each Caribou Sub-regional Task Force includes representatives from local municipalities, Indigenous communities and organizations, the energy sector, the forestry sector, trappers, recreational users, environmental non-government organizations, and other local stakeholders and knowledge holders.

Task Forces will now develop recommendations for the following planning areas:  Wandering River, Berland, and Chinchaga. These will cover the East-Side-Athabasca, Little Smoky, A La Peche, and Chinchaga caribou ranges.

Click below for maps of sub-regional planning areas:

Recommendations from these task forces will support the development of sub-regional plans for the respective planning area. Each sub-regional plan that is developed will go out for public, stakeholder, and Indigenous engagement, providing future opportunities for all Albertans to shape these plans before they are finalized.

Previous task forces

Initially, 3 task forces focused their efforts on providing recommendations to government on draft sub-regional plans for Cold Lake, Bistcho Lake, and Upper Smoky planning areas, which address recovery outcomes for the Bistcho, Cold Lake, Narraway, and Redrock-Prairie Creek caribou ranges.

Click below for maps of sub-regional planning areas:

Task force recommendations for each area were submitted to government in 2020. In 2021 public, stakeholders, and Indigenous communities and organizations were engaged on the draft Cold Lake and Bistcho Lake sub-regional plans with the related regulatory details engagement followed in 2024. 

Engagement on the draft Upper Smoky sub-regional plan and related regulatory details will occur in 2025. Learn more about the Upper Smoky sub-regional plan engagement and related regulatory details.

Click below for the recommendation reports:

Click below for the sub-regional plans:

Related information

Federal recovery strategies and guiding documents