Caribou protection plan

Alberta's Caribou Protection Plans aim to reduce the impact on caribou of industrial activity in sensitive areas.

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Caribou Protection Plans strive to reduce the industrial footprint and impacts on caribou and are required for certain categories of new industrial activities within caribou zones, as identified in the provincially-approved caribou land-use referral map. These activities include:

  • Coal Exploration Permits (CEP)
  • Geophysical Dispositions (GEO)

If the industrial activity is not one of those identified in the list above, then no CPP is required, and the proponent must abide by the caribou conditions included within the project's associated Landscape Analysis Tool (LAT) Report.

CPPs describe how mitigation works towards achieving desired outcomes for caribou habitat within the context of the Woodland Caribou Policy for Alberta. The desired outcomes are:

  • Reducing all sources of human-caused direct mortality associated with anthropogenic features (i.e. hunting, poaching, and vehicle collision).
  • Reducing excessive predator-caused mortality for both calves and adults (i.e. related to predator abundance, distribution, ease of travel, and hunting success).
  • Reducing habitat loss (i.e. due to habitat change or conversion)
    • Avoiding habitat changes which negatively affect caribou population growth.
    • Avoiding development within key habitats (local and landscape scales) and key seasons.
    • Increasing harmonization with the forest industry operating ground rules and long-term spatial forest harvesting plans.
  • Reducing the partial avoidance (i.e. reduced use) that caribou demonstrate in relation to industrial features.
  • Reducing potential increases in the distribution and productivity of other prey species.

Please review the following documents for caribou protection plan submission information:

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