Bullying prevention for educators

Learn how to recognize, prevent and respond to signs of bullying in school.


Call the 24 hour Bullying Prevention Helpline at 1-888-456-2323 (toll-free in Alberta) for advice and strategies on bullying prevention and building healthy relationships.

Bullying is a repeated and hostile or demeaning behaviour intended to cause harm, fear or distress, including psychological harm or harm to a person's reputation. It often involves an imbalance of social or physical power.

Bullying behaviours

Bullying behaviours are a form of aggression and can be:

  • Physical – for example: poking, elbowing, hitting
  • Verbal – for example: name calling, insults, racist, sexist or homophobic comments, put- downs or threats
  • Social – for example: gossiping, spreading rumours, excluding someone from the group, isolating, ganging up
  • Cyber – for example: social or verbal bullying through the use of email, text messages or social media

Signs of being bullied

People don’t always speak up when they’re being bullied. They may feel embarrassed, afraid or at risk of being isolated. Children and youth who are the target of bullying behaviour often lack healthy relationships with peers and/or adults.

Responding to bullying

Bullying behaviour is very much a group phenomenon – 85% of bullying takes place in the presence of others. By providing students with the skills and confidence to intervene, either in the moment or afterwards, schools can take a significant step toward stopping bullying behaviour.

Being proactive

Bullying prevention is an ongoing, collaborative, problem-solving process that is an essential part of creating welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. It requires a comprehensive approach — there are no single solutions.

Bullying prevention plan

Here are some sample steps for developing a bullying prevention plan.


Plans for bullying prevention will look different at different schools, depending on the needs of students and the resources and priorities of the school community.